- Corporate Controller
2013 - maintenant
Missions :
Consolider, analyser et être garant de la qualité des reporting financiers, coordonner le processus de reporting entre les filiales, maintenir et déveloper les outils de reporting Périmètre :
Zone Asie : interlocuteur unique pour les sites d’Inde, Chine, Corée, Japon et Brésil
Reporting (mensuel, budget, forecast) : consolider les données, organiser la remontée et l’analyse des reportings, réaliser les présentations pour le DAF, revue financière individuelle, maintenance et développement de l’outil de reporting (BPC)
Consolidation statutaire : coordonner et assister les contrôleurs locaux pour la déclaration des packages et la réconciliation des opérations intercos, passer les écritures de consolidation, développement de l’outil de consolidation (BFC)
Organisation du département : formation des nouveaux arrivants, cartographie et mise en place d’une check list des reportings, rédaction d’un manuel pour le logiciel de reporting
- Industrial Financial Controller in China
2011 - 2013
Monthly reporting (processing, analysis, creating and improving), procedure design and review, industrial and operational process review, inter department actions coordinating
- Stock: global review and improvement of financial management of stock (monthly reporting, explaining and solving global increase of slow rotation, design and process scrap process)
- Credit management/AR: review and design of overdue report, processing monthly insurance group and insurance company reporting, setting up an active management of credit insurance process and in Charge of the relationship with Coface, recovering overdue, insurance contract negociation with insurer
- Cost controlling and industrial process improvement: metal subonctracting. waste management for subcontractors (subcontractors visits, follow up sheet review and update, waste causes identification, contracts review, invoicing control)
- Insurance: cargo insurance: procedure design and issuance, information gathering, contract update, claim followup.
- Purchasing management: global analysis of the process, issuance of an action plan & new purchasing procedure, awareness to TCO approach & risk management, financial workflow securing.
- Specific review: Intercompany reconciliation, New regulation on international trading risk analysis (Bao Guan Dan), support on automated barcode set up
Caisse Nationale des Allocations Familiales
- Auditeur interne
2010 - 2011
- Risk management review: testing procedures and evidences
- Statutory audit works on: cash, payroll, equity, analytical reviews
- Organizing assessments and defining audit programs
- Auditeur comptable et financier
2008 - 2010
- Sectors of intervention: industrial products, energy, chemicals, international trading
- Major clients: EDF, Mercedes Benz, Siemens, Sojitz, Pall, Cenexi, Acova
- Statutory audit works on: assets, cash, AP, AR, payroll, taxes, equity
- Validating annual reports, financial statements and reporting packages
- Internal control testing: sales, purchases, inventory, cash, investment, American SOX
- Developing recommendation on audit risks and risk management