
Estelle PERRY


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Communication - Marketing
human resources
Relations publiques
Ressources humaines



    Genève 2008 - maintenant Advise on T24 training during sales process and projects

    Be a central point of excellence for the consultants and PM’s regarding training capabilities and service offerings regarding T24 training

    Participate in client meetings to understand and take ownership of specific client training needs

    Delivering training based on implementation plans and requirements as part of overall Services Contract with Client

    Natural contact for the ASM’s for any client training needs

    Primary interface between the regional areas and the training department in India

    Project oriented organization, flexible attitude to the regional projects and requirements, lot of travels
  • UBS Funds Services LUXEMBOURG - Analyst Data Management

    2007 - maintenant Set up and maintenance of all financial instruments types on UBS’ reference data and accounting platforms, creation in database and their updates

    Investigating in various providers such as Bloomberg, Telekurs, Financial Times and Euroclear to ensure 100% accuracy
  • KPMG LUXEMBOURG - Training Administrator

    Courbevoie 2006 - 2006 - Assisting in the organization and planning of all internal training courses to be held throughout the year,
    - preparing training materials,
    - maintaining the database of staff training records,
    - monitoring evaluation forms and regularly feeding back this information to the Training Managers,
    - maintaining the library of training materials and external training providers as well as checking and following-up on expenses charged for training events.
  • DELOITTE LUXEMBOURG - Analyst - Investment Management

    Puteaux 2006 - 2007 Assistance in the preparation of financial statements for funds, liaison with internal/external parties (clients, managers, auditors) to prepare and issue reports, ensure that reports and publications comply with legal and tax requirements (data contents, layout, timing).

    Mission in UBS Funds Services Luxemburg in data Management

    2005 - 2006 Management of project: develop the fame of the ALMUS
    (Luxembourgian Association of Members and Users of Swift) and assist the Head of Operational Services: administrative support (meetings, conference) and communication support (advertising, product marketing, media release, presentation, event and public relations).

    HR/Communication entity: Management of Internet project (150 years of the bank), promoting the image of the company with outside interlocutors (customers, press) and development of the corporate culture, promoting the international mobility, update of the internal website, organization of internal and external events (employees, press and clients).
  • EURONEXT PARIS - Junior Assistant in Communiation and Event Management

    2004 - 2004 Promoting the “Paris Financial Market” and organize a two days seminary and a gala dinner for high level guests of the Paris Stock Exchange, with support of external services providers (editors, creative agency), liaison with Press Management colleagues
  • PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS - Assistant - Human Resources

    Neuilly-sur-Seine 2000 - 2002



Annuaire des membres :