
Executive Search Company LEADERIA


En résumé


= > LeaderIA especially occurs in the areas of AGRO FOOD, CONSUMER GOODS, LIVING SCIENCES and INDUSTRY.

= > Beyond executive search consulting, LeaderIA has also developed a consulting service to meet the needs of top executives and human resources departments during periods of corporate change:
- Executive Search
- Search & Selection : Middle Management
- Assessment
- Talent Management
- Mobility Programms
- Succession Planning
- Carreer Management & Transition
- Team Building
- Organisation Development

LeaderIA is dedicated to increasing the quality of your staff.

Our objective is to develop human capital and help your company excel to greatness while keeping the strictest adherence to a universal code of ethics.
It is critical within every organization to maintain alignment of their Human Resources and business strategies.

= > LeaderIA is the first Recruiting and HR consulting company specialized in Agrofood, Consumer Goods, Life Sciences and Industry to become certified ISO 9001.

To work with an ISO 9001 certified partner is for you a reliable security assuring that we are capable of systematically deliver an adapted service which answers specifically your needs and your waits.

Please don't hesitate to contact us:

6 rue de la Pépinière
75008 Paris

Tel: +33 1 40 20 07 07

Our website : http://www.leaderia.com/

Mes compétences :
Succession planning
Business development
Executive Search
Human Ressources
HR Consulting
Team Management
Organizational Development
Business Strategy



    PARIS 2009 - maintenant What brings you our SPECIALIZATION in AGRO FOOD, CONSUMER PRODUCTS, LIVING SCIENCES, and INDUSTRY in your market?

    1. Creation of value to your organization.
    2. Partnership registered in a perspective of fidelity.
    3. Our ability to Identify Analogies between different areas helps you to consider recruiting beyond your market.
    4.It gives you the possibility to rely on a service provider who has the knowledge and experience of your problems.
    5. Occur in complementary areas, we give you access to a pool of quality candidates.
    6. Our ability to think outside the box in a professional manner meets with the complexity of your projects.
    7. Our trade’s knowledge on our favourite service sector promotes our collaboration by defining your needs.
    8. Our process expertise ensures the fulfilment of your duties in a constant concern for quality, safety, ethics and timeliness.
    9. Our differentiation accentuates yours by increasing your competitive advantage.


  • Editions Du Centre De La Psychologie Appliquée - Pearson Group

    Paris 2009 - maintenant SOSIE

    This personality inventory assesses jointly the conduct and motivation of an individual. This dual approach allows us to identify any discrepancies between the job characteristics and/or work environment on the one hand and the potential and/or goals of a professional on the other.
  • Editions Du Centre De La Psychologie Appliquée - Pearson Group

    Paris 2009 - maintenant PFPI

    This work personality inventory assesses the dimensions that determine professional efficiency. The PFPI measures 21 personality traits relevant in predicting behavior and effectiveness as well as 5 professional fields from the theory of the "Big Five", subject to a very large international consensus in the field of psychology.
  • Oxford Psychologists Press-OPP (Paris)

    Paris 2009 - maintenant MBTI

    The Myers-Briggs (MBTI ®) questionnaire indentifies a MBTI type which helps to:
    > Better know oneself and how to situate oneself within a framework describing personality differences in a positive and constructive manner.
    > Appreciate large differences between people and understand how different personalities can work together in a complementary manner.
  • Editions Du Centre De La Psychologie Appliquée - Pearson Group ECPA

    Paris 2009 - maintenant 360°

    This personal development tool lists the perceptions of professional behavior of the firms environment and the of the professional. The comparison of these perceptions allows us to identify strengths, sources of progress and develop a personal development plan.
  • Transformance Pro Vincent LENHARDT

    Paris 2009 - maintenant Coach & Team

    Transformation Coaching
    Trained at 100 % by Vincent LENAHRDT, President of Transformance Pro and Senior Adviser at the Boston Consulting Group
    Individual and Collective Coaching
  • The DIversity Charter

    Paris 2009 - 2013 LeaderIA has signed the Diversity Charter in order to demonstrate its commitment to ban discrimination in the workplace. LeaderIA promotes cultural, ethnic and social diversity within the company and with its partners.
    Our recruitment policy focuses on the recognition and validation of the personal skills of individuals.
  • ISO

    Paris 2009 - 2013 LeaderIA is certified ISO 9001 which guarantees quality management principles such as a strong customer focus, motivation and implication of top management, process approach and continual improvement.
Annuaire des membres :