Mes compétences :
Project management
Operations management
Corporate strategy and M&A
Supply Chain
- (specific assignment in merger project team)
2013 - 2013* Analyzed the impact of Aperam/Terni merger project on competition within the EU market ;
* Led the report writing to the European Commission - DG for Competition
- Project manager Operational Excellence - CTO department
2012 - maintenant* Led transversal projects to improve performance in leadtime, yield and productivity/OEE ;
* Set up a common capacity assessment framework and follow up of capacity drivers across plants
* Created new metrics for sales profitability under capacity constraint for product mix optimization ;
* Led implementation of an advanced planning system to support Sales & Operations Planning
- Production manager - Gueugnon plant
2009 - 2012* Managed operations of Finishing and Shipping department (230 FTE) ;
* Led projects to reduce costs and simplify organization in a context of under-activity ;
* Launched investment to enlarge product offering and managed production start-up ;
* Worked with unions as head of local safety committee during two years
- Project manager - Strategy department
2007 - 2009* Conducted studies of key raw material markets and analyzed vertical integration opportunities ;
* Defined a raw material purchasing strategy and set up a performance follow up ;
* Analyzed raw material mix optimization practices across meltshops
Ministry of Industry
- Adviser to the Minister of Industry
2006 - 2007* Followed global energy markets, prepared energy summits and bilateral meetings ;
* Led negotiation on the performance contract of IFP (Institut Français du Pétrole) ;
* Managed social and environmental issues related to the termination of historical mining activities
Ministry of Industry - DG Energy and Raw Materials
- Head of Transport and Distribution
2003 - 2006* Prepared regulatory evolutions related to the deregulation of the electricity market ;
* Supervised authorizations of transport and distribution infrastructure projects ;
* Led negotiation with EDF (Electricité de France) on the new public service contract ;
* Negotiated electricity transport and distribution tariff with the energy regulatory authority
Ministry of Industry - DRIRE Rhône Alpes
- Head of Environment
2000 - 2003* Managed at regional level inspection teams in charge of classified facilities (90 FTE) ;
* Conducted a study on the evolution of DRIRE missions in relation to climate change policies
Credit Suisse First Boston - New York
- Analyst
1998 - 1999* Participated in M&A projects involving power utilities
Schneider Electric
- Quality analyst
Rueil Malmaison1997 - 1998* Analyzed defects of speed controlers