Mes compétences :
Cash Management
- Treasury Analyst
2010 - maintenant
- Cash Manager
2008 - 2010Multi-currency Cash & Short Term Liquidity Management : Daily Cash Forecast, Optimization of the Cash Position, Payments Control, Intercompany Accounts
Daily Checks of the Bank Statements,
Several contact with subsidiaries, banks, Head Office and internal departments.
Netting, Reconciliation.
Improvement of the daily forecast with an analysis of customary pattern of payments.
Credit Collection
RTL Group
- Treasurer (Intern)
Paris2008 - 2008Front Office : Cash Management (Domestic and European cash-pooling), FX management (Currency accounts Management), Funding (Analytical hedging according to intern policies).
Several Projects : RFP on Payment Factory (Analysis of supplier’s answers), Writing of the new FX Management software procedures, Risk Management, Relation with subsidiaries, Subsidiaries’ Loans.
- Cash Manager Assistant (Intern)
2007 - 2007Relations with the Credit Insurance
Monthly Reporting of the credit situation to the head
Development of SAP-BW for the Credit Management service
Financial & Risk Analysis of the new customers