Our network of digital media is supported by a strong philosophy of performance and a careful consideration of the market's constraints.
As the battle for a piece of the digital market rages on, organic reach is no longer the only trusty winning weapon it used to be.
This reality shines new light on the stakes. The digital media of tomorrow will not have a choice but to increase its audience - through audience extension.
■ Evothink Media quickly became one of the most visited content websites network over the french speaking geos counting multimillions UV per month reading and sharing the content they love. Sports, Food, Tech, Celebrities, Politic, Cinema/Series, all aspects of entertainment is approached by an incredible team working everyday harder to increase engagement and interest on-site and off-site
■ With 35+ Monetization partners and Evothink Exchange, the programmatic sales division, we integrated the latests bidding technologies to allow any programmatic buyers to access our native, video in and outstream, impact and IAB supply. This helps woldwide brands to access our quality and compliant inventory.
■ Hundreds of millions of programmatic ads are served each month over the 8 properties O&O by Evothink Media
■ Our proprietary yield data platform helps our international expansion and provide strategic insights on users value
Mes compétences :
Community management
Conseil en image
Production audio
Web marketing