Descending from a university education but indubitably technician in the soul, I finally opted for an engineering school. Doctor in fluid mechanics of the ENSAM, I was quickly interested in the origins and the consequences of the vibratory phenomena related to the transport of the fluids. My strong curiosity and my persistence, I was quite naturally seduced towards this science closely linked to these phenomena... the Acoustics.
It's today a beautiful work and human experience for almost 20 years in this domain.
Yesterday trainer, teacher, in charge of a R&D and tests center in vibration and acoustics, today expert support, I widened my skills to other domains such as the project management and the management.
Mes compétences :
Acoustique vibrations bruit
Gestion de projet
Essais mécaniques
Recherche et Développement
Management de projet
Autonome et responsable
Enseignement supérieur et recherche
Management d'équipe