
Faustine NEYRAT


En résumé

Welcome on my profile, please feel free to ask for any further information.

Since September 2014, I joined the HR Learning International team at L'Oréal where I am responsible for maximising the learners' digital experience, advising Divisions & Zones about digital learning opportunities and sourcing innovative online resources.

Determined and trustworthy woman with great care and sensitivity, my willing is to succeed all challenges within an international and strategic environment.

Mes compétences :
Ressources humaines


  • L'Oréal - Learning & Development Specialist

    PARIS 2014 - maintenant Within the HR Learning International, my responsibilities are :

    • Maximizing learners digital experience in collaboration with Divisions and the Europe team
    • Advising Divisions and Functions on the development of online resources for essential know how.
    • Sourcing innovative and digital ways of learning.
  • L'Oréal - HR Learning Operations intern

    PARIS 2014 - 2014 Within the General Direction of Operations (Training and Diversity), my responsibilities are:

    • Create, renovate and update e-learning modules for the Supply Chain in collaboration with Experts from the General Direction of Operations.
    • Renovate an e-learning modules in Finance for the Development & Packaging in collaboration with Experts from the General Direction of Operations.
    • Convey the know-how of this e-learning modules' creation to the Experts in Operations.
    • Develop innovative communication tools in order to inform coworkers in Operations about the using and how to integrate e-learning modules in their training program.
    • Implement new training offers
  • Futurestep - Stagiaire: Chargée de Recherche

    2012 - 2012 FUTURESTEP poursuit la croissance de ses activités qui confirme son leadership dans le conseil en recrutement par annonce et par approche directe.
    Cabinet généraliste au plan national, nous intervenons aussi bien pour des clients régionaux qu’internationaux.

    Principaux clients: Apple, Bacardi, Coca-Cola, Deutsche Bank, Red Bull, Volkswagen, Yahoo, Walmart, Siemens, Chanel...

    Mes missions:

    - Assister dans la recherche de candidats par approche directe, en étroite liaison avec les consultants
    - intervenir depuis l’élaboration du descriptif de poste jusqu’à l’organisation de la stratégie de recherche et la conduite des entretiens de pré-sélection téléphoniques.
    - Etre un soutien actif pour l’ensemble des missions, y compris à l’international

    Site de Futurestep: http://www.futurestep.com/
  • The Kooples UK - Sales assistant

    2011 - 2011 The Kooples is a based brand designed for Women and Men. It is based on an intense and original communication concept evolving around the couple – hence the name – The Kooples. The brand is strongly developing in Europe.

    My missions:

    - To drive and maximize sales
    - Welcoming and greeting the customer
    - Build customer loyalty thanks to an impeccable customer service
    - Advising the customer about the collections
    - Stock management in store (deliveries, transfers, etc.)
  • Oxfam UK - Volunteer

    PARIS 2011 - 2011 Discover my activities as volunteer at Oxfam:



  • HWR, Hochschule Für Wirtschaft Und Recht (Berlin)

    Berlin 2013 - 2014 Exchange (Master 2)

    Last semester at the HWR Berlin (September 2013 to February 2014)
    Courses attended:

    - Intensive German courses
    - English for Management
    - Human Resources Management
    - Interaction & Communication on the Job
    - Politic & History of Germany
    - Self Management

  • University Of Greenwich (London)

    London 2011 - 2011 Business - Semestre ERASMUS en 2011
    Cours suivis: Business Ethic, Cross Cultural Management, Management of Information System, Innovation
  • ESDES. Ecole De Management

    Lyon 2009 - 2014 Master Bac+5, grade de Master, Membre de la Conférence des Grandes Ecoles

    Ressources Humaines
  • Lycée De La Côtière (La Boisse)

    La Boisse 2006 - 2009 Baccalauréat

    Mention Bien
    Option Européenne


Annuaire des membres :