
Federica Petra COLOMBO


En résumé

Avec plus de treize ans d'expérience dans le domaine de la communication et de RP, j'ai développé considérables compétences dans la définition et l'implémentation des stratégies de communication ciblées à soutenir les entreprises dans la création et la consolidation de l'image à la fois dans le marché B2B et B2C.
Mes spécialités: communication d'entreprise, définition et mise en œuvre de campagnes communication, RP, personal PR, organisation d'événements, communication locale.
Secteurs explorés: énergie et environnement, bancaire-financière, logistique, automotive, large distribution, santé, IT, NGO.

Mes compétences :
Corporate communication


  • Hill+Knowlton Strategies - Account Supervisor

    2008 - maintenant Coordination of 2 people in Corporate & Finance department, daily management of national and international clients, strategic consultancy, definition and implementation of communication strategies, pr campaign management, media relations, events’ organization, crisis management, communication devoted to stakeholders, internal communication, media partnerships and speaking opportunities programs, 3rd party relationships, conception of communication plans for new business activities, contacts with network’s agency for coordination of international pitches, budget control.
  • Publicis Consultants | Italia - Senior Consultant

    Paris 2007 - 2007 Coordination of “Corporate & Brand” department of 4 people, clients’ daily management, supervision of press office activities, events’ design and development, definition and implementation of communication strategies, design of communication plans for new business activities, contacts with French headquarter and network agencies for coordination of shared clients.
  • AdnKronos Comunicazione - Senior Press Officer

    2003 - 2006 Contacts with Italian and foreign press (newspapers, press agencies and magazines, TVs and Radios), drawing up of press releases and dossiers, day by day management of Italian and international customers and partner’s agencies, territorial communication, organization of national and international press conferences and events, international press office for some clients.
  • AxiCom Italia - Account Executive

    2000 - 2003 Day by day customers’ management, contact with IT/TLC editors, events and press conferences organization, drawing up of press releases, case studies and technical articles, media planning
  • L'Arca Edizioni - Editor

    1999 - 2000 Editor focused on art, design and architecture. Organization and promotion of international architectural competition and contacts with vertical press.


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :