

En résumé

Je suis un tchadien bilingue Anglais-français). Je suis spécialiste en Safety-Santé-Environnement au travail ayant plus de dix ans d'expérience dans le domaine et dans plusieurs entreprises de construction des chantiers pétroliers du Tchad(TCC, PRESIOZO, SOTTER, BGP International-CNPC, SATOM SOGEA, STAR OILFIELD SERVICES AND SUPPLIES e t actuellement ESSO CHAD/SENEV logistics

Mes compétences :
Norme HSE


  • SENEV TCHAD - Health-Safety-Environment Officer

    2015 - maintenant * EXXONMOBILCHAD-SENEV-TCHAD FMS (Fleet Management Services) LOGISTICS HSE (Health-Safety-Environment Officer)
  • Star Oil Services and Supplies-Glencore Company - HSE

    2012 - 2014 (Construction, power plant construction)/STAR OILFIELD SERVISES AND SUPPLIES HSE (Health-Safety-Environment):
  • CIS-ESSO - Coordinator Assistant

    2007 - 2010 * OFDA (ESSO) Integrated Vector Control Program (IVCP) Coordinator Assistant(Administration):
    • DAILY :
    * Point of contact for job requests (mosquitoes, bees, snakes etc...) throughout the OFDA (Oil Field Development Area)via phones, radio and email.
    * Dispatch the task and follow it up, inform the requestor when the work is done
    * Stay awake during nights and break times for emergency calls
    * Calculate the Performance Indicators:
    - Response time
    - Cycle time
    - Person to complete day
    * Calculate the daily Pesticide consumption (about 10 pesticides)
    * Data Entry by sites (Drill, KB, Rigs, Field, Kome4, kome5, MOUNDOULI)
    * Clothing treatment record
    * Pest Control daily reports (KOME base, KOME 5, drill camp)
    * Mosquito Zone daily report
    * Produce Timesheets for 44 employees
    * Make copies of logs readily available

    • WEEKLY :
    * Weekly Pest control reports (KOME base, KOME 5, drill camp)
    * Weekly MZ report (KOME base, KOME 5, drill camp
    * Weekly EEPCI Integrated Vector Control Template
    * Weekly Clothing treatment report

    • MONTHLY:
    * Monthly Pest Control report
    * Monthly Mosquito Zone report
    * Monthly Clothing treatment report
    * Monthly Pesticides Consumption report
    * Monthly Internal spraying report
    * Monthly Performance Indicator and graphs report
    * Monthly Chemical Inventory
    * MIC-ULV Monthly report including:
    -Application rate calculation
    -Flow rate(ml/min) calculation
    -Amount of pesticide used

    * Snake Pictures with Comments to the GS Superintendent
    * Train the supervisors on how to fill the different logs correctly
    * Provide JSA Versions and update them
    * In charge of the following Correspondences:
    -Monthly allowance for milk and water
    -Monthly aircraft travelling manifest for the employees
    -Permission to attend church or Mosque
    -Request for Security Badge
    -Medical clinic Visitations
    -Extra day
  • SOGEA SATOM - HSE and Trainer & Assistant

    RUEIL MALMAISON 2005 - 2006 * H.S.E (Health, Safety and Environment) SATOM CHAD-ENCANA,
  • SOTTER - Environment and Socio & Officer

    2005 - 2005 * H.S.E.S (Health, Safety, Environment and Socio-economic) Officer of SOTTER (Societe Tchadienne de Travaux et d'Entretien des Routes= Construction),
  • BGP (filiale de la CNPC, 6eme compagnie pétrolère selon Forbes) - HSE Officer

    2004 - 2005 * H.S.E/S (Health, Safety and Environment/Security) Officer of CNPC/BGP (Chinese National Petroleum Company/Bureau of Geo-seismic Petroleum Prospection
  • Sub Sahara Inc. - Security Officer-HSE

    2003 - 2004 In this American construction company my duty is to provide security support in order to conduct surveillance operations with minimum risk to all of the employees, properties and company assets. I identify and evaluate the threats, vulnerabilities and risks to the employees and company properties. I plan implement security major to Prospect Company sites and limit the impact of security threats. I develop contingency plans to conduct the effect of any accident or emergency in order to minimize the risk to personnel and potential damage to assets. I advise and guide the security guards and the employees on good security or safety practices. I maintain radio contacts between the different sites.
  • PRESIOZO CHAD - QC Inspector

    2003 - 2004 PRESIOZO CHAD, Industrial Paint Company, KOME CHAD.
    I use special instruments to check the quality and Quantity of paint applied on pipes and facilities:

    2001 - maintenant
  • USA Embassy - Detective

    2000 - 2002 SD(Surveillance Detection: Diplomatic terrorist's detection),
    My job is to observe public movement and report on suspicious acts. This is to find out information regarding terrorists in order to counteract their threats or attacks which can endanger the life of diplomatic personnel and embassy assets.


  • Institut Tchadien De Formation En HSE, Informatique (N'Djamena/Moundou)

    N'Djamena/Moundou 1996 - 2002 Certificats

    Studies in computer, private Security, detective, insurance, HSE , First Aid
  • Institut Tchadien De Formation En HSE, Informatique , Sante Et Secourisme (Moundou)

    Moundou 1995 - 2005 Certificats

    Studies in compute, private Security, Detective, insurance, Safety, Environment , First Aider
  • University Of Chad (Ndjamena)

    Ndjamena 1991 - 1995 Licence

    English Langue Learning: African, American and British Literature, British and American Civilizations, Linguistics


Annuaire des membres :