


En résumé

My first approach to programming was when I was 12, I begun to code with small Visual Basic scripts prompting different jokes based user's choices, and went a little further by discovering scripting basics: as an example I had one that compressed folders everyday at a given time, something we could consider as backups. At around 14 years old, I used to build some easy hacks for games thanks to a website called (MPGH for Multiplayer Game Hacking), like superjumping, etc. I learnt how memory was working (thanks you CheatEngine), and how to modify it to our convenience to make us able to do anything we wanted to; at least, client side.

From there I did not learn much until my BTS (BAC +2 in France) where I started to learn oriented object programming with C# and PHP. We had an overall view of what programming was, but could not really do anything concrete with that few of knowledge yet.

Right after my BTS exam (2014), I've moved out to Paris to integrate a brand new school called 42. Then, great things began: I had to learn C the hard way, with a golden rule that was "you cannot use what you did not code yourself", so no libraries were allowed at all, not even libc; no printf, nothing except write(), malloc() and free(). It was awesome.

That's where I learnt to use Unix, and a bunch of languages like C, C++, C#, Python, Ruby, Java, Security basics, OpenGL, also used to work on Unity and 3D engines such as BabylonJS.

There were no schedule, no teachers, nothing that we're used to see in classical schools, but a great way to find the developer in yourself and to love it, a way that made me learn a hundred times faster than I ever did, anywhere. Why so ? Probably because I did not take weekends or holidays for a long time because. There was always passionating work to do, a lot of projects at the same time and different people with different knowledge coming from all around the world.

Naturally, I commenced to work in parallel on several personnal projects at the same time in different domains (Security, Web, Games, Music...), and am keeping the desire not-stay-focused into one only tech, but rather discover new and new technologies over time.

Mes compétences :
Angular 5
ARM architecture
Embedded C
Sécurité informatique


  • Verifone - Hardware Security Architect Intern

    2016 - 2016
    Proof-of-concepts of secure execution of an Andoid-based operating system on several two different architectures.
    Practiced Java, C, and Forth (yes, yes, Forth) on ARM devices.
    Learnt Cryptography basis :
    Crypto principles (confidentiality, data integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation)
    Most known attacks
    Symmetric and asymmetric (also called public-key) cryptography
    How crypto-systems work (primitives, pseudo-randomness, DH key exchange, padding, and such)
    Algorithms used today, and why
    Generate and create different attacks scenarios to compromise crypto principles
    Develop architecture documents to present different security risks, and possible solutions to safely communicate via a known hardware communication protocol using TCP/IP.
    Add an SSL/TLS layer (using PKI) over an already existing software which uses client/server architecture.
    TCP/IP troubleshooting using Wireshark, generated security reports


  • 42 Born To Code

    Paris 2014 - maintenant Architecte du numérique

    Learnt a lot there: C, C++, C#, Assembly, Unix, Ruby, Javascript, OpenGL, Security, Hacking, etc. Some projects samples:

    Root-me challenges.
    FTP Client/Server.
    IRC-like Client/Server.
    Graphical monitoring app in C++, using GLFW3 and nCurses.
    Assembly (x86)
  • Centre Scolaire Notre Dame

    Villefranche Saone 2012 - 2014 BTS Service Informatique aux Organisations (SIO)

    Done much programmation theory (OOP, Relationnal databases, etc.),
    Learnt C#, HTML/CSS, PHP and SQL.
  • Lycée Du Val De Saône

    Trevoux 2010 - 2012 Baccalauréat Genie Electrotechnique

    Covered a wide range of subjects:

    engineering fundamentals
    electrical power essentials
    electrical and electronic applications
    distribution and use of electrical energy
    generation and supply of electrical energy
    circuitry and microelectronics
    electrical plant and equipment


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