

Wavrechain sous Denain

En résumé

I have more than 10 years of experience in the design, manufacture, installation, commissioning and qualification of pharmaceutical and biotechnological process equipments and production facilities. My areas of expertise pertain to product and production technologies as well as positions as Work Package Owner and group leader in charge of assigned groups and teams on process and utilities projects.

Mes compétences :
Grand Comptes
Gestion de projet
Accompagnement individuel


  • AKXES - Co-fondateur

    Wavrechain sous Denain 2013 - maintenant AKXES, Partenaire du développement des brasseries et microbrasseries :

    - Etudes avant Projet : BusinessPlan, études de rentabilité.
    - Conception des installations : Concassage - Brassage - Fermentation - Remplissage - Conditionnement
    - Installation sur site .
    - Intégration de matériel neuf ou occasion.
    - Assistance technique et maintenance.

    AKXES, société française issue des biotechnologies, accompagne vos projets de l’étude à l’installation, compose vos projets clefs en main, à façon ou sur catalogue, et réalise l’intégration de vos équipements
  • GAMMA Conseils en Ingénierie - Fondateur

    2011 - maintenant - Baxter Bioscience Neuchâtel :
    -GSK Vaccines Saint-Amand-Les-Eaux:
  • NNE PHARMAPLAN - Senior Project Engineer

    CHARTRES 2009 - 2011 Laboratoires Baxter Bioscience, Neuchâtel– Switzerland / Project Manager, responsible for :
    Detail Design, installation and commissioning of a new bioreactor, a new collecting tank and a new CUNO filtration station. Fastrack : studies on 8 months, installation of the whole installation on a 2 months factory shutdown. Team of ca. 5 staff. Turnkey project.
  • Société de services - Consultant

    2008 - 2009 Laboratoires Français des Biotechnologies (Blood Fractionation), Paris Area (France) /
    Senior Consultant, responsible for the installation, the commissioning and the performances improvement of several equipments : Centrifugation machines, Ultra Filtration skids,Press Filter, Buffer Prep Vessels, In line Joule Effect Heater, these equipments are installed in order to double the site production capacities.
    - Operations: Preparation of the daily meetings during Installation and Commissioning activities: Preparation of the documentation,planning of the short and long term activities, coordination of the contractors / vendors /
    specialists on site. Progress reporting to the overall project director. Handover of the equipments to the maintenance and production teams.
    - Documentation: Preparation of the List Of Documents, including pre-Commissioning and Commissioning documentation review.
  • NNE Pharmaplan - Project Engineer

    CHARTRES 2007 - 2008 Jan. 2007 to september 2008 Senior Project Engineer / NNE Pharmaplan (Copenhagen, Denmark)

    ¤ GSK Biologicals, Saint Amand les Eaux (France) / Work Package Owner, Clean Utilities Distribution. Responsible for: Detail Design, Construction, Commissioning and Qualification phases :

    - Detail Design of several clean media networks and loops (including CAP, Nitrogen, Caustic, Purified Water, Water for Injection and Pure Steam) to client specifications. Generation of system P&ID’s, calculation notes, functional specifications.
    - Preparation of tender documents (including Material Take Off), assessment and comparison of the bids (technical and financial analysis), assistance with the preparation of the contract.
    - Follow-up with supplier’s issues/activities: interface management with the other systems (process control, black utilities, HVAC/BMS, manufacturing equipments…), design reviews.
    - Contract management: cost control (control of the MTO changes, scope change management), establishment and follow-up of the overall schedule together with the contractor.
    - Operations: Preparation and coordination of the: Construction, Commissioning and Qualification activities. Preparation of the documentation, planning of the short and long term activities, coordination of the contractors/vendors/specialists on site.
    - Documentation: Preparation of the List Of Documents based on standards, including pre-Commissioning and Commissioning documentation review, particularisation of the IQ OQ standard templates according to client design requirements, preparation of the documentation handover.
  • Ouroumoff Ingénierie - Process Engineer

    2004 - 2006 -
    Nov.2004 Jan.2007 Project Engineer / Ouroumoff Ingénierie (Melun, France)

    ¤ Laboratoires GUERBET, Aulnay-Sous-Bois (France) / Work Package Owner for the packages « Clean Utilities » and « Bulk Production » :

    - Basic Design of the bulk production installations, definition of the clean media loops (including Purified Water and Water for Injection loops), preparation of the system P&ID’s and calculation notes.
    - Preparation of the tender documents, assessment and comparison of the bids (technical and financial analysis), assistance with the preparation of the contract.
    - Detail Design follow-up: Design reviews.
    - Construction follow-up: Technical specifications checks, interface management with the other disciplines, preparation and follow-up of the project planning.

    ¤ Sanofi Aventis, Colomiers (France) / Conceptual Design:

    - Generated commercial proposal for the retrofit of the production and packaging workshops.
    - Created schedule and plan for the phasing of the construction activities.
    - Advised technical proposal for the improvement of the HVAC system: new zoning scheme and rationalisation of the filtering levels.

    ¤ Sanofi Synthélabo, Tours (France) / Conceptual Design:

    - Generated detail design proposal for the retrofit of the granulation and compression workshops to increase there production capacities and to attain GMP compliance.
  • SERAIL - Process Engineer

    CHASSELAY 2001 - 2004 Sep.2001 Sep.2004 Apprenticeship: SERAIL – Freeze dryers for the Pharmaceutical Industry (Argenteuil, France)

    ¤ GSK Biologicals, Wavre (Belgique) / design, commissioning and qualification of an automatic loading and unloading system for the system freeze dryers:

    - Detail design of system conveyor contained within an isolator.
    - Coordination of the isolator design with the supplier (SKAN)
    - Resolution of issues and follow-up of the FAT punchlist closure on the machine.
    - Pre-commissioning of the machine.
    - Follow up and management of the mechanical commissioning of the machine (FAT, SAT).
    - Commissioning and qualification (for both IQ and OQ phases) of the freeze dryers, set-up the critical parameters for recipe qualification.


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :