

Saint Ouen Cedex

En résumé

The customer is the heart of the company's concern. The employee is its value. The supplier is its fuel.

My work ? Allow everyone to aim performance in its field by ensuring their satisfaction. Allow the company to grow being sustainable.

How? A good change management, a high relational, innovative and respectful methods, agility of all times.

QSE is always a priority !

Mes compétences :
Analyse de risque
Sciences de l'ingénieur
Évaluation des risques professionnels
Droit du travail
Gestion du risque
Prévention des risques
Risque chimique
Gestion des risques industriels
Risques naturels
Norme ISO 9001
Mécanique des fluides
OHSAS 18001
Norme ISO 14001
Arbre des causes
GANTT Project
Norme HSE
Réglementation ICPE


  • Robert Bosch France - Quality Environment Health Safety Manager - Apprentice

    Saint Ouen Cedex 2016 - maintenant Specific missions :

    - Implementation of the Bosch Group and Chassis System Control quality standards
    - Follow-up of audits and action plan (IATF 16949, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, OHSAS 18001)
    - Ensure an up-to-date QSE system
    - Evolution of the IATF 16949 and ISO 14001 to updated version
    - Preparation of the management review
    - Document Management

    - Chemical Risk Assessment
    - Safety and Quality trainer
    - Implementation of a safety communication system (original and innovative safety communication)
    - Consolidation of monthly SE dashboards for Department managers - development of managers awareness

    In charge of :

    - Professional Risk Assessment
    - Carbon Assessment
    - Environmental Analysis
    - EHS Communication
    - Monitoring of Safety and Environment indicators

    Specific Projects :

    - "Safety Box" Project Management
    Presentation of the project to the management of the Chassis System Control Division. Congratulations on this innovative project and sharing with other plants as a good practice.

    Management of a team of 4 collaborators.
    Budget Management.

    My starting point : Accident rate is stable since several years
    Wish to impact all our associates and educate them through practical exercises.

    Targets : Make every employee aware about safety and S-basics.
    Raise everyone’s dedication to safety.
    Train employees to adopt a good behavior in a risky situation.
    Have an evolutive practical training.

    - "Le Risque et MOI" Project Management
    Management of a team of 10 collaborators.
    Budget Management.
  • Robert Bosch France - Quality and Safety Project Apprentice

    Saint Ouen Cedex 2015 - 2016 In charge of the creation of the quality system for the new Bosch Thermotechnology plant in Montbeugny.

    - Implementation of the Bosch Group and Chassis System Control quality standards updates in our quality system
    - Follow-up of audits and action plan (IATF 16949)
    - Ensure an up-to-date QSE system
    - Quality and Safety Trainer
  • Houdec Innovation - Assistant QHSE

    Abrest 2015 - 2015 Stagiaire DUT Hygiène Sécurité Environnement

    - Risque chimique (création d'un outil de gestion des FDS, évaluation du risque chimique, création d'un classeur de fiches pratiques de sécurité, réaménagement du local de produits chimiques en fonction de l'incompatibilité des produits, CAMEO Chemicals, propositions d'achats d'équipements en fonction de la réglementation).

    - Risque industriel (changement des pictogrammes concernés par la norme ISO 7010, modification du plan de sécurité, propositions en 3D de protections pour les machines et outils, création de zones de circulation, création de fiches de poste).

    - Une partie sécurité (rédaction du protocole de sécurié, rédaction du plan de prévention, création d'une démarche de management de la sécurité PDCA, création diaporama de sensibilisation sur divers sujets liés à la sécurité, analyse réglementaire sur le travail en hauteur, créations de fiches d'EPI, réalisation d'un exercice d'évacuation incendie).

    - Fiche pénibilité (création d'une fiche d'exposition type).
  • Michelin - Stage sapeur pompier

    FERRAND 2011 - 2011 Interventions diverses avec les sapeurs-pompiers de Michelin.


  • IAE

    Toulouse 2016 - maintenant Master's degree, Quality Safety Environment Manager

    QSE Tools (PDCA, fault trees, analysis dysfunction, 8D, ...)
    HACCP, occupational risk assessment, FMEA, HAZOP, environmental analysis
    Management standards (MASE, ISO 31000, OHSAS 18001, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 26000, ISO 27001, ...)
    QSE Communication (indicators, dashboards)
    Audit (Internal auditor's certificate)
    Chemical, technological, environmental risks - Crisis management and Business Contin
  • Institut Européen De La Qualité Totale (IEQT)

    Vichy 2015 - 2016 Bachelor's degree, Quality Safety Environment

    Quality Tools (Preliminary Risk Analysis / Functional Analysis / FMEA, Value Analysis)
    Traceability method
    Statistical Processing of Data
    Control Plan, Statistical Process Control, Metrology
    Lean Manufacturing and 6 sigma, Automotive (ISO/TS16949), Aeronautical and Defense (ISO9100) Standards
    BRC, IFS, ISO22000 Standards
    Quality management system - ISO 9001
    Continuous Improvement, Performance Impr
  • IUT Du Limousin Site De Tulle

    Tulle 2013 - 2015 DUT HSE (Hygiène Sécurité Environnement)


Annuaire des membres :