La Base Nationale Biotechnologie France va être entièrement repensée avec l'application "Smart Data" ou "Crunch Data" pour en faire un système d'intelligence économique et de veille scientifique.
- Many web directories/databases of biotech companies already exist, but very often, they offer partial or out-of-date information, others are only interested by human drugs.
- Data are provided by the companies themselves not on a regular basis and with the risk of a marketing bias
- Gathering, updating, cross-checking data by web directories’ staff is a titanic job implying to be restrictive
- Fortunately, technologies evolve, open data initiatives have been launched by many countries and companies
- Tools are now available to gather data, categorize and cross-check them with a “feed” update logic”
- They transform the job of the staff from ‘How to collect/update’ to ‘be sure to provide relevant data to the user’
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