
Franck DUCOS

Fort Lauderdale

En résumé

Je suis Ingénieur d'Études et Développement en langage Java avec plus de 10 ans d'expérience dans le développement d'applications web JEE et dans la gestion unifiée des terminaux mobiles (UEM). Je conduis des projets dans un environnement agile et participe à la maintenance évolutive et corrective applicative (débogage et résolution de bogues). Support technique dans un contexte international (USA, Inde et Chine), j'aime le travail en équipe et les nouvelles technologies.

Environnement :
- Java : Spring Framework, Hibernate, Grails, Jersey, Apache CXF, GWT, GWT-Ext
- JavaScript : jQuery, Underscore, Backbone, Mustache (templates), Ext JS
- Serveur d'applications : Tomcat, Jetty
- Bases de données : Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle
- Annuaires LDAP : Active Directory, OpenLDAP, IBM Lotus Domino
- IDE : IntelliJ IDEA
- Gestion de projets : JIRA
- Gestion de versions : Bitbucket avec Git, Subversion (SVN), Perforce
- Intégration continue : Jenkins avec des builds Gradle, CruiseControl avec des builds Ant

Mes compétences :
Java EE
Méthode agile
Services web
Spring Framework
Microsoft SQL Server
Active Directory


  • Citrix Systems - Staff Software Engineer

    Fort Lauderdale 2013 - maintenant Citrix Systems is an American multinational software company that provides application, desktop and server virtualization, networking, SaaS and cloud computing technologies. Revenue: 2.4 Md€, Number of employees: 8000+ (2017)

    Responsible for integrating Apple School Manager (ASM) and Device Enrollment Program (DEP) solutions with XenMobile Server web application, Enterprise Mobility Management solution.
    • Check Product Manager requirements and write functional specifications.
    • Schedule back-end and front-end tasks in 3-week sprints (Scrum methodology).
    • Server development and REST web services (Jersey). Manage 3 UI developers in India.
    • Implement automated integration tests for code coverage.
    • Customer technical support.

    - Import and manage ASM teachers and students from different institutions, and DEP devices (smartphones, tablets and laptops) in a SQL Server, MySQL or PostgreSQL database.
    - Support new educational technologies like sharing Apple tablets (Shared iPad) between several students and their remote controls by the teacher.
  • Zenprise - Senior Software Engineer

    2010 - 2013 Zenprise is an American multinational software company acquired by Citrix Systems in 2013 that provides Mobile Device Management (MDM) solutions, available in both on-premise and SaaS versions. Revenue: 22 M€, Number of employees: 280+ (2012)

    Responsible for automating the deployments of Zenprise Device Manager (ZDM) product at Application Service Providers (ASP).
    • Discussion with our partner Fujitsu.
    • Evaluation technical solutions.
    • Agile development a web application (Grails on a Jetty server).
    • Scalable application maintenance.

    - Implementation a white label web application to supervise stand-alone or cluster ZDM deployments on remote servers hosted at ASP (ancestor of SaaS).
    - Creation SOAP and REST web services (Apache CXF) for the secure mail management in Exchange ActiveSync and BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) devices.
  • Sparus Software - Software Engineer

    2005 - 2010 Sparus Software is a French software company acquired by Zenprise in 2010 that provides a Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution and a product for data synchronization between PDAs and information systems. Revenue: 500.000€, Number of employees : 15+ (2009)

    Responsible for managing LDAP users (authentication, roles and RBAC permission assignments) in the EveryWAN web application.
    • Evaluation and integration an open source Java framework (Apache Jetspeed).
    • Design LDAP configuration GUIs with GWT and GWT-Ext.
    • Implement unit tests with JUnit.
    • Customer technical support in multi-forest AD environments.

    - Creation new LDAP connectors (OpenLDAP, Domino) and improvements about authentication and AD consultation delays using Java JNDI API.
    - Redesign the EverySYNC web application to optimize data synchronization (contacts, calendars and tasks) between the CEDB (Windows Mobile) and DB2 databases.



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