International Sales/Pre-Sales/Business Development Executive for the IT & Telecom Market, leveraging the digital transformation of Telecom Service providers in Customer Experience, Security, Big Data/Analytics, SaaS, IoT, ...
• I have extensive experience in managing large distributed and remote international Sales/Pre-Sales/Business Development teams in complex organization and for complex deals.
• My objective in each opportunity is to develop a winning strategy by finding the innovative solutions that will solve business issues of Telecom Service providers, increase their business and improve their positioning in the value chain, while taking into account their investment constraints and TCO concerns. I have strong experience in selling traditional Capex/Opex deals, but also BPO, SaaS & Cloud-based solutions and Managed Services deals.
• Found of detecting new innovative solutions on the market that match customer expectations of increasing their business, creating and executing with the solution vendors the growth plans that will increase business for my company, the solution vendor and the customer.
• I am experienced with Team & Talent management in growth situation and also complex market conditions (re-sizing /restructuring). I am a people oriented manager with charisma to attract and develop talents.
• I have strong a experience in Management & VP positions with Software Vendors and System Integrators, such as Comverse, Atos, Alcatel-Lucent, Thales
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