
François HUBER


En résumé

Kemwatt développe une technologie de stockage d'électricité sur la base d'une batterie redox dont les caractéristiques uniques la rendent compétitive, sûre et sans effets adverses sur l'environnement.

Mes compétences :
International business
International project management
Renewable energy
Project management


  • Kemiwatt - CEO

    2014 - 2018
  • Mobilys - International consultant

    2008 - 2014 As an independent consultant, I was providing training and advice in management, organization, international issues, as well as assistance in projects.

    I was also a teacher in higher education (project management, international organizational behavior, economic environment, energy, waste management...).
  • Blue H France - Director

    2008 - 2012 Blue H France was the French bureau of Blue H Technologies BV (The Netherlands), a company that develops floating platforms for offshore wind turbines.

    My mission was to create the company, then set up a project for a floating offshore wind turbine prototype, and support the operations of the group in France or with French organizations.
  • Armor Inox - Technical Director

    2000 - 2007 Amor Inox designs, manufactures and sells food processing equipment, including fully automated units for ham processing worth in excess of 10 M€.

    I was in charge of all technical departments in a context of steep growth, mostly international (USA - export > 80 %).
  • FLS - Project Manager

    1995 - 2000 FLS is a major Danish industrial group involved in energy, cement, etc.

    I was designing, selling and delivering systems (pneumatic handling of bulk products) for large industrial facilities (energy, chemistry...) throughout the world.
  • Philips Ligthning - Product developer

    1989 - 1992 My job was to develop halogen lamps for industrial customers in relation with the labs in the Netherlands and other plants in Europe.
  • Tiru Ingénierie - Engineering

    1988 - 1989 Engineering projects related to waste incineration.


  • IAE

    Rennes 2007 - 2008 MBA
  • Ecole Nationale Supérieure Des Industries Chimiques (Nancy)

    Nancy 1992 - 1994 ME in Chemical Engineering


Annuaire des membres :