
François NETTER


En résumé

Mes compétences :
RF Design
Antennas and propapagation
RF theoretical studies
RF Field Measurements


  • Bouygues Telecom - RF and LTE Radio Engineer

    Meudon 2011 - maintenant - LTE 800/1800/2600 performance tests and engineering rules for successful commercial launch
    - Field optimization studies and methods for LTE networks
    - Analysis and Parameters setup for LTE QoS and interoperability with 2G/3G layers
    - RF coverage studies and methods for the coverage of special areas (Indoor, stadiums)
    - RF cohabitation analysis between LTE and other cellular/non cellular technologies (Radars, TV) and equipments
    - LTE interference analysis from non cellular technologies
  • Alcatel Lucent - RF Field Expert

    Paris 2010 - 2011 - Site surveys and validation of antennas installation
    - Interference clearing, co-existence analysis between systems
    - RF optimisation of LTE networks (LTE 700, 1800 & 2600) in France, Spain, Kazhakstan
    - General field measurements for coverage analysis and model calibration
    - Analysis and validation of measuring equipments
    - MIMO capabilities analysis and coverage behavior and possibilities for specific small cells equipements (France and Czech Republic)
  • Alcatel Lucent - DVB-SH Field Networking & Trial Architect

    Paris 2008 - 2010 - Define the architecture for field trials and demonstration events
    - Define the relevant KPI's to be used for performance assessment
    - Write and execute test plans for assessment and validation of DVB-SH performances (theory to live tests)
    - Technical definition and execution of trials in Italy, France and Colombia
    - Analyze satellite coverage behavior vs environnement and improvment possibilities
    - Study interoperablity between satellite and terrestrial (time delays and synchronization techniques, exclusion areas, modulations and coding schemes)
    - Engineering rules for DVB-SH deployment
  • Nortel - GSM-R RF and Performance Engineer

    Toronto 2006 - 2008 - Validation and QoS test plan definition and execution for GSM-R networks (France, Germany and Spain)
    - Optimization of the very high speed line LGV Est (France) for the train speed record at 574km/h
    - Study of the impact of the high speed and the environment on radio transmission, GSM-R and equipments
    - Writing of internal recommandations for GSM-R networks


  • Escola Tecnica Superior Telecomunicacions Barcelona (ETSETB, UPC) (Barcelona)

    Barcelona 2004 - 2005
  • Supélec

    Gif Sur Yvette 2002 - 2005 Ingénieur Supelec
  • Université Paris XI Paris Sud

    Orsay 2000 - 2002 DEUG (Bac + 2)

    Option formation aux concours ENSI


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