In Touch Capital Markets (USA)
- Fixed Income Rates Analyst
2012 - 2013• Provide market updates, analysis and special reports to clients (Treasuries, Futures, Interest Rate Swap and FX).
• In charge of written products: research on primary markets, fed operations, auctions and corporates issuance likely to impact fixed income markets and curves on an intraday basis. Previews and reviews of key Central Bank meeting provided with market analysis and market scenario analysis (potential market impacts).
• Independently provide development of electronic data management programing (using VBA) for the market monitoring that contribute to: the ongoing improvement and development of fixed income analysis.
• Implemented an efficient and comprehensive technical analysis model by applying programming skills in Excel/VBA, Bloomberg and statistical/mathematical analysis.
• Work closely with marketing to develop product feature set.
Paris2010 - 2011• Traded and executed transactions on behalf “Caisses d’Epargne” and “Banques Populaires”. -> Interest Rate Swap / FIG, Corporate and Covered bonds on primary and secondary market.
• Insured liaison between institutional clients and market makers.
• Provided market updates and special reports to clients.
• Developed automated tools using Excel and VBA for the monitoring of the market.
Natixis Capital Markets USA
- Analyst DCM
2009 - 2010• Provided DCM solutions and supports for North American, investment grade and high-yield, borrowers (mainly FIG and corporates).
• Worked with senior bankers to identify clients who need to access fixed income markets.
• Full involvement in deals execution (senior unsecured, covered bonds and corporates).
• Insured liaison for sales, trading and syndication teams in Paris and New York.
• In charge of drafting market updates and commentaries sent to clients (daily updates, weekly updates, and special
• Draft proposals.
- Sales/Trader Trading desk (Fixed Income Division)
Paris2009 - 2009• Traded and executed orders for “Caisses d’Epargne” and “Banques Populaires”.
-> Interest Rate Swap / Corporate and Covered bonds on primary and secondary market.
• Developed automated tools using Excel and VBA for the daily work.
• Research new market opportunity.
Natixis Capital Markets USA
- Analyst - Interest Rates Derivatives and Foreign Exchange Division
2008 - 2009- Deal with currencies: Spot and Forward
- Work with traders on FX carry trade strategies
- Implement a swap pricer
- Model a pricer tool to capture our potential exposure on swap transaction
- Create and maintain a Value at Risk model for a swap portfolio
- Analyst – Assistant of an ABS Portfolio Manager – Structured Finance Division
Paris2007 - 2007- Analyzed new ABS transactions (RMBS, CMBS, Credit Card, Auto Loan,…)
Structure, portfolio quality, market and historical originator performance
- Monitored a Eur 380 million ABS Portfolio
- Performed portfolio valuation
- Modeled and worked on a VBA tools to improve our transactions monitoring process
- Participated in the Credit Committee
Alstom Management
- Analyst – Assistant of an Asset/Liability Manager
Saint Ouen2006 - 2006- Analyzed and monitored our equity investment portfolio
- Monitored our pension fund portfolio
- Created and implemented a portfolio management tools using Excel and VBA
2005 - 2005- Monitored the ratings and internal limits
- Valuation of the portfolio
- Worked in collaboration with a portfolio manager on the creation of a CDS pricer
- Developed automated tools using Excel and VBA
Deutsche Bank
- Back-Office (Summer internship) – Assistant within the Back-Office Team
Paris2003 - 2004Assistant within the Back-Office Team