
Frédéric DUTRONC


En résumé

- Enabler of Call Management for Technocentre (CTI mediation for telephony platforms PBX or Centrex)
- Business Talk IP Centrex SIP for SCE (Centrex service on IMS for large accounts): contribution to collaborative tools work group
- Remote Reachability Management for Technocentre (mobile interface to manage its joignability): project construction, macro-architecture, technical specifications
- Cellular Extension and Convergent VPN for Mobistar (Evolution to Fixed mobile convergence evolution for corporate VPN offers) : Carry out two technical pre-studies on offers evolutions on the axis of migration towards the IMS


  • Orange - Project Manager

    Paris 1999 - maintenant Orange Labs - Business services department
    Innovation and industrial production
    Call Management enabler, Voice VPN, FMC solutions, Presence server
  • Bosch Telecom - Package Leader

    1996 - 1999 OAM redesign for IPBX based on Java/Corba integration
    Package leader for Charging topic for Integral switch
  • CS Telecom - Development Team Responsible

    1992 - 1996 Management of a development team in charge of Supervision and protection of France Telecom Backbone (STM 1 to 16 X 155 Mbps, issue management and traffic routing)
  • CCMC Informatique de gestion - Technical-commercial engineer

    1991 - 1992 Provide a technical support to the commercial
    Install and configure the software and hardware solutions for Chartered Accountant firms
    Train the personnel of the customer to use the solution
  • DGA - DRET - System engineer

    1990 - 1991 Computering operation and maintenance (BULL GCOS7) (military service as scientific)



Annuaire des membres :