


En résumé


20 experience in the retailing activity and business services. 8 years experience in training.

- Motivate, train and inspire students to create or work in companies
- Experience with different speeds between long and short cycles in the retail business
- Cross collaboration of top management in order to anticipate and optimize changes
- Facilitating manufacturing facilities / purchasing / marketing / heavy delivery projects that respond to rapidly changing customer behavior
- Meeting the challenge of evolving markets and structures
- Optimization of financial and physical flows, optimization of the full cost of an organization

- Manage a project with a team from strategy to operational implementation
- Evolving top-management : participating management & cross collaboration are key success to anticipate, create & to optimize business & changes
- Motivate, train people/students

Mes compétences :
Marketing opérationnel
Management de transition
Conduite de projet
Marketing relationnel
Communication interne
Communication externe
Marketing stratégique
E business development
Relations clients
quality monitoring
manage the full cost
energy management
economic management
develop a business plan
business unit management
Strategic Management
SAP HR Recruitment
Project Management
PC Hardware
Mail Order
Direct management
Develop strategy
Change Management
Business Development
Apple Mac


  • KEDGE Bordeaux et RECTORAT - Professor and trainer in business management, company's right. Strategic and operational marketing.

    2014 - maintenant 1) KEDGE
    - Creating a course program for Masters II:
    Impact of the politician policy on the overall performance of the company

    - Experience-based intervention Masters II:
    Entrepreneurship, case: setting up a project, the key elements to control the activity
    Financial management, inventory, asset
    The sales team, monitoring, indicators, management

    2) EDUCATION NATIONALE (Post-Grade level)
    - Strategic & operational marketing (products & consumers)
    - Coaching / negotiation: manager / managed, buyers / processors, vendors / customers
    - Business management ( organization, management, balance sheet)
    - Company' right ( articles, human ressources, unions, branch agreement.....)

    2006 - 2013 Council operational marketing, internal and external communication (Europe)

    As the leader of SMEs in the sector BtoB (business / institutional / large groups ...) in France and in Europe, I assured the following tasks:
    - Financial and economic management of the undertaking: Turnover of EUR 1.8 million in 2013 (turnover multiplied by 3 to 7 years) ;
    - Business development: developing customer portfolio from 20 to 150 in 7 years ;
    - Administrative and corporate HR (recruitment / IRP relationships ...)
    - Interventions, project management for clients: communication strategy overhaul (internal and external) customers (product marketing), creation and organization of orientation seminars (schools world, 25 countries for 1 week), organization of major public events (6000 people)
    - Management of a team of 9 people ;
  • EDITIONS ATLAS - Distribution Director

    Paris 2003 - 2006 Mail order selling , (exclusive collections and men's clothing)

    In addition to being recruited to be "change leader / sponsor" in the SAP project, my main responsibilities were:
    - Making SAP project (analysis, expression of needs, and setting recettage)
    - Build and manage the full cost by collection ;
    - Better buy (outsourcing, transport and packages) ;
    - Duplicate, globalize "Best Practices" on 15 European countries ;
    - Optimize: on an annual budget of EUR 68 million, EUR 4.3 million gain; time customer / shipping times spend 11 days to 8.5 days ;
    - Direct management of 12 people ;
  • Lapeyre - Director

    Courbevoie 1999 - 2002 , 3 years, Network Organization Com.), LAPEYRE, Groupe SAINT-GOBAIN
    Manufacture and sale of products for the sustainable management of the house

    At the headquarters of the group I was in charge of the organization, optimization physical and financial flows within the European network of stores. I have been a reference player for ERP / CRM project group as well as in the creation and implementation of the new store concept. I also had to:
    - In the framework of the logistics reengineering, submit to the CEO a new distribution organization: control of flows, transversal management, collaboration with plant managers and new ways of working in the stores.
    - Reflect with shops on marketing customers and products, on the visibility, highlighting and quality of service.
    - Optimize: gain of EUR 3.5 million on stock group, decreased obsolete stock 380 K EUR / year, rate of client / service command from 69% to 80%, analysis of lost sales establishment. ;
    - Managing a team of 15 executives,. ;
  • Rexel - Organization & Logistics Director

    Paris 1995 - 1999 Distribution of products & services (automation, energy management, electrical equipment)

    At the headquarters of the group I harmonized national and international procedures (IT, purchasing, stores), and centralized purchasing. To optimize the national distribution, I set up a distribution platform (ref 6500, 1200m2). Which leads me to:
    - Work on the suitability of the product range (20-80) ;
    - Establish dashboards, quality monitoring reports ;
    - Work on logistics charter with suppliers including among others the ``returns envelope''
    - Negotiate down 80 000 EUR on the initial budget of the new platform
    - Consolidate purchases, after 6 months of operation, gain of 210 000 EUR
    - Managing a team of 60 people ;
  • AUCHAN DIRECT - Deputy Director of FMCG platform, Groupe AUCHAN Distribution

    PARIS 1991 - 1995 , 4 years, Deputy Director of FMCG platform, Groupe AUCHAN
    Distribution of products for individuals
    - Manage daily a 4 Ha platform, with 130 holders and 50 temporary.
    - Establish management of sites, Location Management (specifications, expression of needs, recettage & physical preparation required)
    - Develop, implement a training program and animate it. ;
    - Participate in meetings HSC, WC and be the interface of management of the site with the unions (FO & CGT)
    - Improve productivity (receiving, storage, picking and supplies): 800 pallets receipted / day we went to 1000, increasing the productivity of 25 pallets / day/ forklift operator, saving space in the pallet 30%, gain time by 25% with administrative field. Gain of 0.5 days 2 days initially required for the general inventory


  • ESCP-EAP, European School Of Management

    Paris 2001 - 2002 MBA

    Formation très poussée en terme de stratégie internationale, finance et marketing
    Gouvernance d'entreprise, projets multiculturels et donc internationaux.
    Concrètement: compétitivité, valeur ajouter, opportunités, menaces, marchés de niche, concurrence et stratégie pour une nouvelle dynamique et un nouveau positionnement. choix d'une implantation en fonction du marché, des règles financières.
  • KEDGE - Business School Bordeaux (Anciennement BEM)

    Bordeaux 1989 - 1991 Master II, Supply-Chain Management

    Vision globale de l'entreprise, détecter les effets de levier afin d'optimiser les flux, ainsi que le coût complet


Annuaire des membres :