
Gahi Massoma Abdoulaye COULIBALY


En résumé

Near mine geologist RANDGOLD RESOURCES Cote divoire

Field Knowledge:
 Follow-up RC Auger, Diamond drilling, ships and core logging, QA/QC,
 Establishment of sections, and drills holes programs with MapInfo Discover,
 Supervision of down-hole surveys,
 Report daily or weekly activities, using of JORC code,
 Land igneous, metamorphic and volcano-sedimentary,
 Compilation of geological data,
 Supervision and management of work teams on a field,
 Mapping, geophysical and seismic interpretation
 Management of logistics and equipment,
 Computer Skills: MapInfo discover, micromine, Mapsource, Excel, Word, Access, PowerPoint, Surfer

Mes compétences :
Management of logistics and working equipment
Data Entry
Quality Control
Quality Assurance
Supervision of survey and RC Diamond
Management of logistics and equipment
Global Positioning System
GIS Skills


  • LA MANCHA - Exploration geologist

    2013 - maintenant Near mine geologist (gold project) ity gold mine

    * Core logging and sampling ;
    * Oopen pit, pit mapping, propose work, plan drill hole ;
    * Data entry, section and soil anomaly map making using Geosoft target ;
    * Weekly report, Monthly, Anual report ;
    * Detail mapping( regolith and geological mapping) ;
    * Collection and compilation of geological data ;
    * Management of logistics and working equipment ;
    * Teams management
  • RANDGOLD RESOURCES - Exploration geologist

    2013 - 2013 Near mine geologist (gold project) brown field & green field, Tongon gold mine

    * Logging and sampling of RC chips and core ;
    * Soil sampling, open pit, pit mapping, propose work, plan drill hole ;
    * Data entry, section making and interpretation, map interpretation ;
    * Report daily / weekly activities ;
    * Regional & detail mapping( regolith and geological mapping) ;
    * Collection and compilation of geological data ;
    * Management of logistics and working equipment ;
    * Teams management

    2012 - 2012 * Supervision of Auger, Air Core, RC and Diamond drilling in volcano-sedimentary environment ;
    * Logging and sampling of RC chips and core, carryover data sections, QA/QC ;
    * Data entry
    * Report daily / weekly activities ;
    * Regional mapping( regolith and geological mapping) ;
    * Collection and compilation of geological data ;
    * Management of logistics and working equipment ;
    * Teams management on a field
  • NEWCREST Cote d'Ivoire - Geologist

    2009 - 2011 Geologist (gold project) LGL Cote d'Ivoire, now NEWCREST Cote d'Ivoire

    * Supervision of survey and RC Diamond in igneous environments and volcano-sedimentary ;
    * Logging of RC chips and core; sampling and report data on the sections ;
    * Monitoring of down-hole surveys ;
    * Geological section making and interpretation ;
    * Collection and compilation of geological data ;
    * Report daily / weekly activities
    * Teams management on a field

    UNIVERSITY OF COCODY, ABIDJAN, COTE D'IVOIRE PhD: Petrology and Metallogeny (in progress) :Petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical study of Birimian volcano- sedimentary of Fettêkro furrow (central Cote dIvoire)

  • NEWCREST MINING - Exploration geologist

    Melbourne 2009 - 2011 Geologist (gold project) LGL Cote d’Ivoire, now NEWCREST Cote d’Ivoire

     Supervision of survey and RC Diamond in igneous environments and volcano-sedimentary
     Logging of RC chips and core; sampling and report data on the sections,
     Monitoring of down-hole surveys,
     Geological section making and interpretation
     Collection and compilation of geological data,
     Report daily / weekly activities,
     Teams management on a field
  • University of Cocody - Master student

    2007 - 2009 Lithostratigraphic and metallogenic study of Dougbafla East gold prospect (Oume, west-central Cote d'Ivoire).


  • University Of Cocody (Abidjan)

    Abidjan 2007 - 2009 Master

    2006 -----
    Bachelor of Geology
    University of Cocody, Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire
  • University Of Cocody (Abidjan)

    Abidjan 2006 - 2007 Bachelor

  • University Of Cocody (Abidjan)

    Abidjan 2005 - 2006 Petrographic study of Toumodi area (south-central Côte d'Ivoire),
  • University Of Cocody (Abidjan)

    Abidjan 2004 - 2005 Petrographic and microstructural study of Precambrian of southwestern Cote d'Ivoire;
    Instructors: Prof. Yacouba Coulibaly, Dr. Cherubin Djro and Dr. Alain Nicaise Kouamelan.
    ----- LANGUAGE


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