


En résumé

Parcours professionnel:
- 2009 à ce jour: consultant en gestion du gap culturel dans des équipes franco-japonaises - Intervention en entreprises et dans des formations académiques.
- 2003: industrie automobile: directeur du développement de CALSONIC KANSEI FRANCE SAS, filiale du groupe japonais CALSONIC KANSEI CORPORATION, lui même filiale de NISSAN.
- 1998: industrie automobile: responsable JAPON et COREE de la division échappement du groupe FAURECIA
- 1997: année sabbatique
- 1990: industrie électronique - participation au rachat d'une entreprise de sous-traitance (250 personnes) en coopération avec MITSUBISHI CORPORATION
- 1983: industrie du plastique - rachat d'une société de thermoformage (10 personnes)
- 1975: laboratoire universitaire - R&D en physique du solide (doctorat)

Centre d'intérêts:
- Judo et arts martiaux en général
- Japon et pays asiatiques
- Gestion des gaps culturels

- Ingénieur en microtechniques et doctorat de physique du solide (interaction rayonnement X et monocristaux)- Ecole d'Ingénieurs de BESANCON.
- Management et gestion (stages du Centre des Jeunes Dirigeants)
- Professeur de Judo (B.E. 2e degré)

Mes compétences :
Culture japonaise
Management international


  • Looking for a 3-4 years position - Managing Director or Development Director

    2008 - maintenant I am now 60 years old but I don't intend to be retired.

    I am looking for a position where I can support the development of a company towards business with Japanese and/or Korean companies.
  • CALSONIC KANSEI CORPORATION - Business Development G.M. (D.G. en français)

    2003 - maintenant CALSONIC KANSEI is Tier 1 automotive supplier, subsidiary of NISSAN.

    Position: Business Development G.M.
    Main achievements:
    - Development of activities of Liaison Office
    - Liaison Office to become a SAS
    - Belong to the team in charge of setting up CALSONIC KANSEI ROMANIA
    - Setting up inter-cultural management seminar
  • FAURECIA - Responsible for Japan and Korea, Exhaust Division

    1996 - 2002 FAURECIA is a Tier 1 automotive suppier, subsidiary of PEUGEOT SA.

    Position: responsible for Exhaut Module business development in Japan and in Korea

    - Business with TOYOTA / MAZDA / HYUNDAI
    - J/V in Korea
    - Setting up inter-cultural management seminar
    - Management of multi-cultural team
  • SM2E (subsidiary of MITSUBISHI CORP.) - Managing Director

    1988 - 2005 SM2E used to be a J/V between MITSUBISHI CORPORATION, MYOSHI DENKI CORPORATION and private investors.

    SM2E used to produce high-end Printed Circuit Boards for electronic industry.

    Position: Investor / Managing Director
    - Business development (new customers)
    - Change of production process (to become "japanese" way of production)
    - Management of multi-cultural team
    - Setting up inter-cultural management seminar
    - Setting up Japanese language course
  • PLASTIFORM SARL - Managing Director

    1982 - 1987 PLASTIFORM is a S.M.E. company working in the field of plastic vacuum forming.

    Position: 50% Investor /Managing Director
  • Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et des Microtechniques - Research Engineer

    Besançon 1975 - 1981 E.N.S.M.M. is a typical French Engineering School, specialized in mechanical and microtechnic fields.

    - research engineer (interaction between X-rays and quartz monocrystal)
    - responsible for a research team

    - implementation of new quartz mono crystal investigation method
    - Ph D (solid state physic)



Annuaire des membres :