


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Human resource
Personnel Management
Management of Administration and Finance
tax system
administration task
Purchase Management


  • International Steel Services Inc. - Senior Administrator

    2011 - maintenant Specific Duties:
    * Make and update a work permit and visa permanent for all expat employees.
    * Oversee and manage the tax system :
    * OMSI declaration (Organization Medico-Social Inter-professionelle) ;
    * CNAPS declaration (Caisse Nationale de Prévoyance Sociale) ;
    * IRSA declaration (Impôt sur le Revenu des Salariés) ;
    * VAT declaration ;
    * Establish strong relationships in terms human resource and financial between Ambatovy Project and International Steel Services. ;
    * Manage and approve the attendance sheet of national and expats employees: daily absenteeism, working hours per month, overtimes. ;
    * implement the strategic planning of leaves : annual leave, sick leave, special leave and leave of absences ;
    * Manage all purchase Requisition or cash advance for any materials or services needed by the company and ensuring that the request is accomplish.
    * Establish an IT Equipment and service request for all any hardware, phone, internet or access on
    * Make all arrangement of Flight Booking, Hotel Booking, Meet and Greet, Badge, Safety Induction-PPEs ;
    * Ensure that all procedures are implemented effectively:
    * Provisional order of appointment
  • Wise Design Madagascar - FORMAN

    2011 - 2011 Specific Duties:
    * Study the drawing and make a planning for all cable needed every week.
    * Manage 135 persons for; pulling cables and fixes the cables to the racks with cable ties in all LIME PLANT Area.
    * Control the attendance sheet and approved it every day.
    * Supervise and make sure that all employees are safe and attend the forecasting per day.
  • Wise Design Madagascar - Administrator Manager

    2009 - 2011 Specific Duties:
    * Control and update all temporary and permanent visas for all expat employees.
    * Plan and implement the strategic of leaves and permission : annual leave, sick leave, special leave and leave of absences
    * Organize all flight and hotel booking, transportation, safety induction, badge and PPE for the new employees.
    * Oversee the attendance sheet, approve and transmit to TMA company
    * Assist TMA Company for preparation of payroll and salary payment.
    * Manage the accounting of the company and establish all tax declaration: OMSI, CNAPS, IRSA, VAT...
    * Arrange and purchase all materials requested. ;
    * Represent Wise Design for all meetings in absence of the Construction Manager.
  • PROTECH MADAGASCAR - Administration and Financial Responsible

    2009 - 2009 Specific Duties
    * Provide all documents needed for the creation of the Protech Security Company and ensure that the company is in good standing.
    * Organize all employees' registration to OMSI, CNAPS. ;
    * Establish the work contract of the employees and create the internal rule of the company.
    * Supervise the timesheet and make the right payroll with the pay slip for each employee.
    * Manage the tax system: OMSI, CNAPS, IRSA, VAT... ;
    * Archive and control all document of the company. ;
    * Develop and coordinate the external relation.

    2008 - 2008 Specific Duties
    * Manage all administration task :
    * Archive and control all documents: invoice, personnel dossier,... ;
    * Send and receive the e-mail. ;
    * Control the stock for four departments and seize the movement to the card of stock and register to the computer.
    * Oversee six commercials : sale-money recover ;
    * Establish the invoice trough the order from the clients. ;
    * Assist the Director for his work.
    * Supervise the card of board of two cars.



    Toamasina 2007 - 2008 BAC+4

    Toamasina 2006 - 2007 Bachelors Degree in Economic


    Toamasina 2005 - 2006 Diploma

  • High School (Toamasina)

    Toamasina 2002 - 2003 Diploma

  • COLLEGE SAINT LOUIS Fikirizana (Antananarive)

    Antananarive 1996 - 2000 Diploma

  • Primary School (Antananarivo)

    Antananarivo 1991 - 1996 Diploma



Annuaire des membres :