Current research
I am a researcher specialized in the field of sustainability and durability of cementitous materials, working at RISE, Borås, Sweden.
The different projects I'm working on cover various aspects: from e.g. alkali silica reaction (a deleterious mechanism), to the reduction of CO2 emission by replacing a part of the cement used in concrete by clays or bio ashes, or the addition of graphene to improve different properties of the material (cementitious paint, repair materials, ...).
I made my PhD at Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France. I studied the interaction between the calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) and various anions such as chloride, nitrate, bromide and sulfate. The C-S-H is the main phase of hydrated portland cement and confers to the material its mechanical properties. The interactions between C-S-H and anions are an important issue mainly from the point of view of durability of cementitious materials. For example, chlorides intervene in the corrosion of the reinforcement bars of concrete, and the uptake/release of sulfate by C-S-H may cause expansion or cracking of the material by the formation of delayed ettringite. The aim was to to build a thermodynamic model taking into account the interaction C-S-H/anion and then be able to be predictable.
I spend afterwards 2.5 years at NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, for a postdoc. I studied alkali silica reaction (ASR) in concrete. It is a concrete deterioration mechanism which leads the concrete to increase in volume and causes cracking and potentially structural failure. The focus was on the alkali content in the pore solution of concrete, one of the main driving forces of ASR. The aim was to establish a reliable method for the determination of the alkali content and/or pH of concrete. This would allow to measure whether there is an alkali/pH threshold above which ASR is likely to cause problems.
Mes compétences :
Assurer la veille scientifique et technologique
Gestion de projet
Élaboration de protocoles expérimenta
Communication de résultats scientifiques
Caractérisation des matériaux
Réaliser, interpréter et valider des résultats