•Ph.D in Marketing and Consumer Psychology (IAE Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management).
•Title of professional psychologist specialized in Consumer Psychology (since 2012).
Professional skills:
•Development and implementation of quantitative and qualitative research (market/consumer):
- Brand-Equity - Fit between Brand-Identity (desired strategic positioning) and Brand-Image (actual positioning in consumer mind) - Opinion surveys - Competitive intelligence - Brand relationships.
- Analysis needs, expectations and consumer trends.
-Thorough knowledge of statistical analysis software (SPSS, AMOS, StatView, Statistica)
- Ms Office
- Expert in focus group and individual interview.
•Brand communication and marketing strategies:
- Identifying brand concerns.
- Data reporting and development of theoretical and strategic recommendations in the context of brand management and communication.
- Management of communication campaign (ad, events, sponsorship, print, press) and digital marketing (website, social media, brand communities).
- Creating brand content.
Thesis: "To be unique or typical? The role of brand distinctiveness and brand typicality in brand relationships and consumer behavior". thesis director: Elyette Roux / Eric Tafani.
Member of CERGAM Research Center.
Teaching (Aix-Marseille University):
. Social Psychology - Consumer Behavior - Applied Statistics (undergraduates courses).
Membre de jury :
. Master 2 Psychologie Sociale, Communication, Marketing : Mémoire et Rapport de Stage
. Master 2 Marketing : Field Project : IAE Graduate School of Management
Member of AFM (Marketing French association).
Mes compétences :
Méthodes quantitatives
Stratégie d'influence
Enseignement universitaire
Analyse de données
Veille stratégique
Stratégie de communication
Études qualitatives
Études marketing
Marketing stratégique
Psychologie sociale
Marketing relationnel
Comportement du consommateur
Études quantitatives