I am an entrepreneurial geek with a lifelong passion for strong coding, software architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Agile IT Organisation and Innovations.
As co-founder at xBrainSoft, I’ve led our development efforts towards creating showcases and products based on our B2B Solutions, such as Angie, our French Virtual Personal Assistant for Android, iPhone, and Windows Phone launched in Feb 2012. I'm now imagineering future and technology road maps with the CEO of Oscaro.com, an innovator in automotive aftermarket.
My rules of engagement are : "Innovation, future now, ethics, sincere empathy wins, Build spirited teams, Think by design, Commit to passion, Create wellness and wealth”.
Find more about Vision & Innovation : http://gregoryrenard.wordpress.com
In the meantime, let’s not forget to have fun… and, yeah, try to change the world!
Find my updated profil on : http://www.linkedin.com/in/gregoryrenard
Mes compétences :
Programmation orientée objet