
Gregory VINARD


En résumé

En recherche d'emploi dans le management de projets informatiques

Mes compétences :
Anglais aéronautique
Conception Informatique
Informatique industrielle
Programmation orientée objet


  • Syderal SA - Coordinateur logiciel

    2013 - 2015 Gestion de sous-traitances logicielles : contrat, Kick off, planning, gestion des ressources, suivi technique et recette. Au niveau projet, c’est un rôle transversal entre les métiers, le chef de projet et la qualité afin de dynamiser le projet (identifier les problèmes, communiquer, support au chef de projet)
    • Gestion de sous-traitances logicielles selon les normes ECSS : campagne de test, et réalisation d’un module logiciel.
    • Gestion des exigences et traçabilité
    • Collaboration étroite avec la qualité logicielle
    • Responsable de la capitalisation des méthodes et processus logiciel
    • Projet externe : définition et réalisation des campagnes de Tests Unitaires et de Tests de Validation
    • Formateur VectorCAST des sous-traitants
    • Automatisation de l’environnement de test
  • Consultant pour GoConcept - Responsable des Tests Unitaires

    2012 - 2012 Test unitaire sur du code embarqué critique pour satellites

    • Evaluation et choix d’un logiciel commercial de test : VectorCAST
    • Apprentissage, auto-formation pour la configuration et l’utilisation de VectorCAST
    • Définition et réalisation de la campagne de Tests Unitaires
    • Redéfinition de règles de codage et application des règles MISRA.
    • Garant des livraisons documentaires dans le temps imparti
    • Participation à la refonte du code : programmation C, debug, phase de link
  • Freelance - Engineer

    2011 - 2011 Business for software development on cell phones

    Creation of cell phone applications used as a communication and advertisement media:
    • Conception and development of applications for iPhone, Android y Blackberry
    • Market research and creation of a business model
  • Thales Air System - Integration Engineer

    Courbevoie 2009 - 2010 Integration of the Eurocat-X system In Mexico

    Integration of the operative system used by the air controllers in the control center of airports in all Mexico. I worked on site and was the only contact for the client, the SENEAM. The international research center for this system is in Australia and was my support:

    • Integration of the system on operational platforms, simulator platform, shadow platform and an independent replay station.
    • Maintenance and installation of the system (hardware, software y red)
    • Bugs investigation, traces recovery, reports/following on problems.
    • Operational update on several airports simultaneously
    • Main interface between Thales Australia, Thales Mexico and the client
    • Tests of the corrections and demonstration to the client
    • Coordination With the teams on site
  • MBDA - Software Engineer

    Le Plessis-Robinson 2009 - 2008 Realization of the missile simulator for the SCALP NAVAL

    Assistant of the Project manager for the development of a missile simulator. Software design, starting the Project and responsible for solving all the technical problems. Responsible for the development team:

    • Programming in C++, FORTRAN.
    • Taking part in design, reorganization of the old simulator’s functions.
    • Technical launch of the project and setting up its configuration management.
    • Responsible for encapsulating of the old simulator. Management of a development team.
    • Technical manager’s assistant (taking care of compilation errors on 3 OS, of FORTRAN/C++ compatibility, makefile and bash script programming).
    • Redaction of Requirements and Technical Specification documents.
    • Integration and validation of the first simulator’s release.
  • SAGEM - Software Engineer

    PARIS 2006 - 2006 Unitary tests on the airbus A380 source code

    Unitary test son the source code for the aircraft Airbus A380 on a dedicated platform/
    • Study of .c files.
    • Reconciling between the source file and the requirements.
    • Coverage testing, technical control and delivery

    2006 - 2007 Software development for the operation of the M51 missile

    High level of software development, and responsible for the tests on a military platform. Worked for the French government:

    • Programming : C++ : multi-thread, cross -compilation
    • Taking part in design (UML)
    • Programming in configuration management
    • Taking care of the tests in a real platform (realization of complex systems).
    • Integration and validation of software variants.
    • Use and development of simulators (PERL programming).
    • Time management of the real platform use.
    • Bash scripts programming and Excel macros (relating to project management).
    • Redaction of technical reports and integration reports.



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