La Roche sur Yon2016 - 2016Realization of a syntax analyzer. It's a piece of software that interprets a text code given as an input by the user. This texts should follow the rules of the SEPRO programming language, a D.S.E.L. designed to control the robots of the firm.
The work involved finding and evaluate solution, before implementing a model of the chosen one. The parser generator Bison/Flex was chosen and I realized a program proving the feasability and relevance on the SEPRO use case.
Here are some implemented features :
- lexical and syntax errors detection and recovery
- algebraic expression interpretation
- comment lines and blocks
- routines, subroutines and parallel subroutines
- conditionnal branchements
- multi-lingual
The production is a module, part of a QNX environment, embedded in the SEPRO control panel.
NTNU Norwegian University Of Science And Technology (Trondheim)
Trondheim2016 - 2016Semestre d'étude à Trondheim en Norvège pour me spécialiser dans le software et améliorer mon anglais oral. Suivi de cours sur le temps réel et projet sur l'interfaçage Homme/machine (contrôle et monitorage) d'un robot serpent.