
Guillaume LAURENT


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Pack office


  • Aficar consulting - Consultant Achats & Coordinateur Projets Marketing

    Lyon 2015 - maintenant Escort our partner through their process optimisation or externalisation objectives, by auditing, advising and planning different actions within required companies strategy.
    Lead projects flow, including budget optimisation.

    - Operational & Project's flow Management
    - Financial, Operational and cost optimization reporting
    - B2B interactions & Industry area expertise
    - Leading Request for proposals, negotiation and functional specification redaction
    - Social Network communication
    - Products development
    - Suppliers management, KPI's leader
    - Marketing strategy
  • Volvo construction Equipment - Marketing Communication Projects coordinator & Marketing buyer

    Saint Priest 2013 - 2015 Support Volvo CE products launches within required communication strategy.
    Provide both printed and digital marketing material to subsidiary and dealers located in Europe, Asia, North America and Latin America.

    Support product positionning, media / channel recommendation and drive production flow including budget optimization.

    - SAP, ERP user & trainer
    - Control & Monitoring Project
    - Working within an English context
    - Key Performance Indicators analyst and developer
    - Budget setting & follow up, daily interactions with the business controler
    - Financial Reporting responsibility & order's flow management
    - Intercultural work experience
    - Supplier development: Negotiation, contracts management, enhance quality of service from Marketing suppliers
    - Team coordination
    - B to B
  • REX ROTARY - Commercial Junior

    2011 - 2011 Travail effectué dans le cadre d'un stage
  • DAUNAT BOURGOGNE SAS - Agent d'expédition

    2009 - 2013 Job étudiant
    - Suivi des livraisons et sorties de production
    - Suffire et anticiper les besoins des équipes préparatrices
    - Coordination d'équipe


  • MBWay - Management & International Business School

    Lyon 2013 - 2015 MBA

    - Full English courses
    - Développement des produits et des marques
    - Stratégie marketing
    - Expertise commerciale
    - Middle Management
    - Management Grands Comptes
    - Achats
    - Management réseau de distribution
    - Management du changement
    - Pilotage stratégique et développement d'entreprise
    - Supply chain
    - Valorisation d'entreprise
    - Audit / Comptabilité
  • University Of Lincoln (Lincoln)

    Lincoln 2011 - 2012 Bachelor of Arts

    - Full English courses
    - Business and management
    - Marketing international
    - Strategic Management
  • IUT LE CREUSOT Université De Bourgogne

    Le Creusot 2009 - 2011 DUT

    - Gestion
    - Argumentation commerciale
    - Commerce international
    - Merchandising
    - Marketing
    - Marchés Européens
    - Droit / Économie
  • Lycée Mathias

    Chalon Sur Saone 2008 - 2009 Bac STG option Comptabilité et Finance d'Entreprise

    Comptabilité, Gestion, Finance


Annuaire des membres :