

Paris La Défense

En résumé

Ingénieur de formation, j'ai connu une première expérience de 3 ans dans un important cabinet d'audit financier français, suivie de 4 ans d'audit interne au sein du Groupe Total qui m'ont permis d'élargir mon champ de connaissances au delà du strict domaine financier et de développer une certaine expérience à l'international.
Je suis aujourd'hui en poste chez Agip KCO, le consortium pétrolier chargé du développement du champ de Kashagan en mer Caspienne kazakhe.

Mes compétences :
Audit interne


  • Mazars

    Paris La Défense maintenant
  • Total E&P KRI - Head of Administration

    2012 - 2016
  • AGIP KCO - Internal Auditor

    2007 - 2011 AGIP KCO is AGIP's subsidiary in charge of the operatorship of the KASHAGAN project - a giant oil field located in Northern Caspian Sea - Kazakhstan.

    Within the company, the Internal Audit department is in charge of Contract Administration and process audits throughout the organisation to ensure proper level of internal control.
  • TOTAL - Corporate Auditor

    COURBEVOIE 2001 - 2006 As a corporate auditor, I was part of a 50 person team achieving audit assignments decided by the Group’s audit committee on a yearly basis.
    During these 5 years, I have participated in about 32 missions in every branch of the TOTAL Group (E & P, refining & marketing, chemistry), a third of them being held outside Europe (mainly South America and Asia).
    Most of the assignments’ main objective was to ensure a reasonable level of internal control for the audited entity. Those assignments were led by teams of 2 or 3 people without particular hierarchy.
    However, I have also participated in a significant number of “associations’ audits” with the goal to check the billings made by the operator of a project to his partners (mainly in Colombia, Norway and Azerbaijan). I even have had the opportunity to take the leadership of such an audit team (about 6 persons) twice.
    I also have had the occasion to collaborate in 2 “Sarbanes-Oxley” assignments” (in Netherlands and Argentina).
  • Mazars - Financial Auditor

    Paris La Défense 1998 - 2001 Mazars is the main competitor of the Fat Four (KPMG, PWC, Deloitte and E&Y) at the french level. My main tasks during those three years were to participate in or to lead audit missions (legal or contractual), mainly on the industry sector.



Annuaire des membres :