After obtaining my Master in Business Law in 2008 and a title of major of my promotion in master II in international law, I am a PhD in International Migration Law and I especially focused on youth employment and International Migration .
Funding and management of development projects: Formulation and Project Management, Strategic Planning, Project Planning, Project Coordination, Policy Analyst, Community Development, Government and civil society.
Humanitarian affairs / Migrations: Labour Migration, Migration Law, Social Security, coordination and implementation of various projects ranging from direct humanitarian aid to sustainable socio-economic development, Migration policy and development, Migration process, Migration project, Analysis stakeholders, Migration and Security, Immigration and Border Management, Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants, Policy and security in the Sahel region, Human Rights, Humanitarian Law.
Youth employment: Employability, Financial Education, Coaching, Creation and Development of income generating activities, savings for change. (EPC), Creation and Strengthening local networks or actors platform warehouse receipt, Media Relations, Children's Rights, Identification of street children and street children, Reintegration and Reinsertion of minors in difficulty ( rural areas, disadvantaged and conflict areas).
Mes compétences :
Développement local
Droit social
Genre et developpement
Droit des des femmes et des enfants
Droit des travailleurs migrants
Pas d'entreprise renseignée