


En résumé

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  • Kromberg & Schubert - Bordnetzentwicklung / Wiring harness development

    2014 - maintenant -Develop and build DMU using Catia V5.
    -Preparing and updating drawings using COMSA LDorado and Catia V5 software.
    -Change management process and harness optimization for motor/interior harness.
    -preparing and updating drawings (ELZ) in VW / SKODA's Project with L’Dorado and Catia V5 software; to achieve the design I used different versions of L’Dorado and Catia V5 with different licenses and databases and VW Group’s database(KVS).
    - I have developed both large cables (KSK_L0L and L0R)
    - Every 6 months I made drawings for VOBES process (VOBES Prozess = Volfswagen Bordnetz Entwicklungs - System), which when approved, drawings have undergone management changes process (Aenderungsprozess);
  • EADS Astrium ST - Graduation project

    Blagnac 2013 - 2013 Modeling by the finites elements method of the behavior in cold of elastomers : application on sealing using ABAQUS
  • UQTR - Research Internship at the University of Quebec at Trois Rivières ERICCA (University of Quebec at Tr

    2013 - 2013 Development of an automatic mesh to be using in the metrology of flexible parts.
  • SNC Lavalin - Stagiaire

    Ivry-sur-Seine 2012 - 2012 Projet de Construction d'une centrale thermique à cycle combinée 400 MW, Sousse (Tunisie)
  • Papeterie belvedaire - PFA

    2012 - 2012 Etude et conception d'une machine de mise en 3 dimensions du carton ondulé
  • ICAR - Stagiare

    CHAMBRAY LES TOURS 2011 - 2011


  • ENIT(Ecole Nationale D'Ingénieurs De Tunis) (Tunis)

    Tunis 2010 - 2013 ingénieur mecanique
  • Institut Préparatoire Aux Études D'Ingénieurs De Monastir (IPEIM) (Monastir)

    Monastir 2007 - 2010
  • Lycée Secondaire Cité Eriadh Sousse (Susah)

    Susah 2003 - 2007 bac mathématique



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