


En résumé

Pilotage de projet dans le secteur bancaire.

Mes compétences :
Accompagnement au changement
Business Analysis
Change Management
formation management
Management de projets
Microsoft Project
Microsoft Project Management
Optimisation process
Pilotage de projet
Risk management
Gestion de projet


  • Bnp Paribas - Consultante RH & Change Management

    Paris 2017 - maintenant Missions réalisées :

    > Strategic Workforce Planning (SWP) (depuis 2017)
     Définition des guidelines du nouveau processus SWP ainsi que la méthodologie d’utilisation et de déploiement
     Conception du kit d’industrialisation et de conduite du changement
     Accompagnement des entités du Groupe dans les pilotes et déploiement
     Coordination de l’équipe de consultants dédiés au projet SWP

    > Catalogue de Compétences du Groupe (2017)
     Harmonisation des besoins HR et Business en terme de compétences
     Définition des principes et de la gouvernance du nouveau catalogue de compétences Groupe
     Conception du catalogue en collaboration avec les entités du Groupe
     Conception du matériel de conduite du changement pour le déploiement (application mobile, BD de communication …)
  • BNP Paribas Personal Finance - Change Management Project Leader

    Levallois Perret 2011 - 2016
  • BNP Paribas - Project Manager & Project Management Team Leader

    Paris 2010 - 2011 Since July 2010 : Project Manager & Project Management Team Leader - BNP PARIBAS - Retail Banking (France)

    I am in charge of managing 4 projects managers and business analysts :
    ~ People management & Team Management
    - I propose appropriate training to the team members in order to enhance team knowledge and skills (day-to-day job and career development)
    - I participate to the appraisal process of the team members (feedback on performance, interview and scores proposal)
    - I allocate the tasks to the team members taking into account their strengths/weaknesses
    - I make sure that all priorities are correctly set within team so that critical events are tackled in due time

    ~ Run the Business & Escalation point
    - I monitor the daily activities : I ensure that all the events are properly logged, all activities are correctly coved (operational risk) and documented.
    - I ensure the day-to-day business of my perimeter is not blocked because of an IT or organisational issue.
    - I make sure that the team members report all critical issues and they deliver in time accurate answers to the back-office.

    ~ KPI – Key Performance Indicators
    - I collect the data in order to provide the weekly and monthly KPI.
  • BNP Paribas - Business Project Manager

    Paris 2008 - 2010 ~ I participed to the integration mission between FORTIS Bank (Belgium & French) and BNP Paribas focus on the Account Handling processes (team of 3 people) – regular business trip in Belgium :
    - I conceived process analysis methodologies in order to identify gap analysis, best practices and potential synergies.
    - I managed project workstreams, detailed business analysis, data analysis and process mapping in order to identify the potential synergies and best practices
    - I compared 2 main processes of the Account Handling perimeter, Manage Estates and Create Customer Relationship & account, in order to quantify the short term synergies and define the gains and investments costed needed

    ~ I participated to the “Community of processes” workshops in order to determine how the processes could be best constructed to improve cost, quality, speed and service between the Retail back-offices of BNP Paribas: BDDF- French; BNL – Italy; BGL – Luxembourg and FORTIS – Belgium. Business trip in Belgium, Italy and Luxembourg.

    ~ I reengineered several account handling processes in order to increase efficiency, reduce costs and operational risks.
    - I collected the internal clients requirements (Front-office & Back-office)
    - I analysed the impacts on the implementation of these requirements
    - I redesigned the process in order to increase the efficiency based on the studies done.
  • BNP Paribas - Project Manager

    Paris 2007 - 2008 I was in charge of reengineering the process "Open Customer & Account" for the business line small & medium sized companies (50 000 new relationships per year) into the French Retail Banking.

    - Coordinate projects activities & meetings and Animation of the steering committees
    - Redesign the new business process and spread the new organisation to the Branches and Back-offices.
    - Produce the deliverables and report to the executive direction
    - Change management : training of the sales men and back officers, assist users in the transition to new business process.
    - Conceive an IT system in order to manage files and make easier the communication between front and back offices
  • BNP Paribas - Junior Project Manager

    Paris 2006 - 2006 I was in charge of streamlining processus of the French Retail Banking back-offices in the domain of Savings, Securities and Account Handling :
    - I audited back-offices organisations in order to define and optimize new procedures and organisations.
    - I participated of the conception of the 2007 2011 master plan :
    ~ identification of the back-office FTE for each activity domain,
    ~ definition of organisation projects to reduce production costs
    ~ implementation of the medium-term strategy of the department.
  • BankSearch Information Consultancy - Internship as an IT software develope

    2005 - 2005 Together with five other software developers, my tasks were to conceive and implement the statistical interactive database of the IT system of the client Council of Mortgage Lenders.
    I was in charge of :
    - extracting data from Excel files of the former IT system
    - conceiving dynamic reporting and analysed tools based on softwares like Business Object.


  • University Of Warwick (Coventry)

    Coventry 2004 - 2005 Erasmus

    Modules étudiés principalement dans les domaines suivants :Computer Science, Operations Management & Business.
  • Ecole Des Mines

    Nantes 2002 - 2006 Double compétence dans les domaines du Management (Conduite de changement & Gestion de projet) et des Technologies de l’Information (Méthodes de conception & architecture des SI)


Annuaire des membres :