SCOTT Sports
- Chief of E-Bike Engineering
2016 - maintenant
SCOTT Sports
- Bike Engineer
2014 - 2015
- Component & Technology Engineer Trainee
Villeneuve d'Ascq
2014 - 2014
Correlation between our laboratory's methods and our suppliers methods
Correlation between an experimental method and a numerical method for frame stiffness application.
Development of a predictive numerical model.
Cycles Lapierre
- ASIA R&D Engineer Trainee
2012 - 2013
Quality check in bicycle frame production and full bicycle assembly
Quality actions linked to defects analysis
Establishment of a high end bicycle production line
Cycles Lapierre
- R&D Engineer Trainee
2012 - 2012
Responsible for internal testing laboratory stiffness and fatigue tests
Redesigning a stiffness test bench
Design and implementation of a specific test bench
Quality check
Asterion Wheels
- Monteur
2011 - 2011
Apprentissage des méthodes de montages de roues à la main
Montages de roues de vélos haut de gamme à la main
Gestion de bases de données
Gestion de site internet