

Paris La Defense

En résumé

Result-oriented senior executive, with 20 years international experience in Energy sector, proven abilities in P&L management and turning businesses into profitability, renowned excellence in project management of large EPC contracts, skilled in directing global operations of multi-projects and multi-locations dispersed organizations, successful in the business development with Utilities and Private Developers, expert in framing and expanding global structures while improving efficiency, large sense of planning & organizing.

Mes compétences :
Direction générale


  • Areva - Deputy Senior Executive Vice President

    Paris La Defense 2015 - maintenant Engineering & Projects Business Group - 5000 employees in 8 countries - 3000 projects

    The Engineering & Projects Business Group executes all projects internally (new production plants and extension of existing plants) and externally (new nuclear reactor plants, new nuclear waste management and recycling plants).
  • Vestas - Vice President Project Management & Construction - EMEA & Latin America

    La Défense Cedex 2011 - 2014 P&L responsibilities: Revenues > 1.5b€ - 200 direct employees.
    Responsible for the execution and operations of the full portfolio of Projects and EPC contracts in Southern Europe, Latin America, Middle East and Africa. Full restructuring to adapt the organization to the shift of 1b€ activity from Europe to Latin America. Ramp-up and growth of the Latin America organizations. Creation of an engineering department to capture the market of Turnkey Wind Power projects. Key Account management.
  • Alstom Power - Director Project Management Europe/Africa/Large Projects

    Levallois-Perret Cedex 2007 - 2010 P&L responsibilities: Revenues > 300 M€ - 1000 employees.
    Responsible for Europe, Africa and China. Turnkey Hydro Power Plant Projects and EPC contracts. Management of large projects complexity: worldwide industrial schemes, dispersed teams and innovative new products.
  • Alstom Power - Managing Director of Alstom Hydro France

    Levallois-Perret Cedex 2007 - 2010 Chairing at the Shareholders and Board Meetings. 1000 Employees
  • Alstom Power - India - Deputy Managing Director

    2005 - 2007 P&L responsibilities: Revenues > 100M€ - 600 employees.
    Creation of a business and a manufacturing facility, dedicated to the execution of hydro power EPC projects in India and South-east Asia (3rd worldwide market), both for private developers and utilities. Recruitment of more than 200 engineers in 2 years. Framing the organization and its expansion, building competencies and reinforcing expertise, setting up transfer of technology in engineering activities. Alignment of all department objectives, measurement of the performance through scorecards, target settings on projects and individuals
  • Alstom Power - Mexico - Project Director

    2004 - 2005 Director of a large Turnkey EPC contract of 900MW (Chicoasén Extension) for CFE (Mexican Utility): new hydro power plant including electro-mechanical Equipment and civil works.
  • Alstom Power - Mexico - General Manager

    2001 - 2004 Revenues = 15M$ - 30 employees
    Business Development, Sales and Management of the Mexican company to capture the local market for hydro power plants.
  • Alstom Power - Project Manager

    Levallois-Perret Cedex 1999 - 2001 Responsible for the execution of a Hydro Power Plant in Peru of 150MW, in a consortium with a Japanese Partner.
  • Cegelec - Sales Manager

    Saint-Denis 1997 - 1999 Tender preparation, pricing strategy and contract negotiations of new power plants.
  • Cegelec - Design Manager

    Saint-Denis 1995 - 1997 Responsible for mechanical and electrical engineering of a new hydro power plant located in Pakistan. Elaboration of technical offers for the supply of control and instrumentation systems of power plants.
  • Cegelec - Mexico - Project Engineer

    1993 - 1995 Business development. Technical coordination with the customer (CFE - Mexican Utility) and the Mexican civil works partner (ICA) for a power plant project of 100MW in consortium.


Annuaire des membres :