


En résumé

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  • MINUSTAH ONU HAITI - Coodinateur Regional

    2006 - maintenant Coordinate and monitor DJESC meetings and all meetings related to the process in the department;
    - Develop the graphics card election, identify and classify areas according to its sensitivity,
    - Develop the budget, support the process of voter registration,
    - Provide support to the process of voter education;
    - Recruiting and managing human resources at local elections;
    - Planning and supervision of all election activities: logistics (financial budget and election materials);
    - Format the election officials, political parties and NGOs and
    - Collaboration with the military in planning and implementing the security plan of the electoral process in Cap Haitien (Nord Department).
    Train military and police procedures and terms of reference of their duties at the polls;
    - Technical support, logistics and e Training of members of polling stations in the department.
    - Oversee the process the day of elections;
    - Report, bring all supporting documents for expenses relating thereto


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