Northern Books, USA
- Published writer
2019 - maintenant
My prophetic book and 12th paperback has been published in September 2019.
'Heart of a Savior' is available at lulu.com
Amazon kindle
- Published writer
2018 - maintenant
I recently released 'Ascents' my fourth travel e-book that is linked with my fourth trip to Israel.
amazon kindle
- Published writer
2018 - maintenant
I recently published an e-book on amazon kindle entitled 'Meshuga like a kabbalist'. It is available in kindle format on amazon and tells the story of my third trip to Eretz Israel.
amazon kindle
- Published author
2017 - maintenant
My latest amazon kindle release is entitled " 7 Days in Israel: my journey to the Holy Land". Available on amazon kindle in e-book format.
Northern Books, USA
- Published author
2016 - maintenant
Northern Books just released my e-book entitled "In the Light of the Holy Spirit". This e-book is a compilation of biblical studies from a Messianic perspective. It is FREE for download at lulu.com.
French lessons in Paris
- Auto-entrepreneur
2016 - maintenant
Je propose des cours de Français et d'Allemand à un public anglophone à Paris.
Pour plus d'informations, visitez;
Interculture ILC
- Intervenant FLE
2015 - maintenant
J'enseigne le Français langue étrangère à des étrangers basés sur Paris.
Textbroker France
- écrivain
2015 - maintenant
Je rédige des articles pour différents clients sur des thèmes très variés.
Speaking Agency
- Professeur d'allemand tous niveaux
2015 - 2016
Je donne des cours d'allemand à un public varié, tous âges, tous niveaux, sur Paris.
Northern Books
- Auteur publie
2015 - maintenant
J ai publie mon 9 eme livre avec Northern Books, USA.
Amazon kindle
- Auteur
2014 - maintenant
J ai auto publie trois de mes romans sur Amazon kindle
College Joliot Curie
- Professeur certifie d allemand
2013 - maintenant
Rectorat de Creteil
- Professeur d'allemand
2013 - 2014
: professeur d'allemand au collège Joliot Curie, Pantin
Eminem and the Detroit scene, white kid in a black music world (2012) Amber books, USA
Unwrap Your Present, paru chez Hayden Kian, Novembre 2012, USA, actuellement disponible sur Lulu. Com et Smashwords. Com et Amazon ,
Hayden Kian
- Published Author
2012 - maintenant
My self-help book, Unwrap Your Present, has been published in November 2012 by Hayden Kian Publishing
Delizon Editions
- Published Author
2012 - maintenant
Delizon Editions will publish my novel Sous le Ciel de Paris, in French language on January the 28th, 2013.
Amber Books, USA
- Published author
2011 - maintenant
My first book, Eminem and the Detroit Rap Scene, white kid in a black music world has been published in August 2012 by Amber Books
College Andre Malraux, Paris
- Subsititute German teacher
2010 - 2010
oral and written comprehension of German language
culture,pronounciation, preparation to exams
The Language Machine
- Language tutor
2009 - maintenant
teaching German and French to an English speaking public, all levels
The Eminem blog
- Music journalist
2005 - maintenant
Since 2003, I have been offered by an Irish professional blogger, Gavin Sheridan to become a contributing writer. Through the years, I developed my craft and Mr Sheridan helped me get started as an independant music journalist at The Eminem Blog where I expressed mainly on hip hop related topics, I did a lot of artistic promotions and reviews. I also interviewed a wide range of artists. I am still doing it, as music journalism is a great passion
The Eminem Blog
2003 - maintenant
rédaction d'articles, revues de CD et biographies d'artistes, interviews, revues de presse, promotion artistique ;