
Jacqueline SCHEEPERS


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Hôtellerie de luxe
Produits de luxe
Relations publiques


  • Consultante - Consultante en Stratégie de marketing et développement pur l'hôtellerie deluxe

    1999 - maintenant 2003/2008 Consultant in Marketing Strategy and Development
    - Development and positionning of the technology on the European and UAE market
    of Controlife Research & Development Laboratories.
    Safe Chemistry for a safer Environment for International high profile companies
    and Palaces. Abu Dhabi National Hotels- Burj Al Arab –Jumeirah- Rotana Group
    - Associat for HelmsBriscoe International – world’s largest meeting
    site selection company, booking over 2 million room nights annually.
    - Development of an French incentive house Iris group in NYC on top
    ranked markets and Media
    - Development of international clients for worldwide luxury hotel chains.
    - Development of International deluxe Companies in conjunction with
    The Japanese Chamber of Commerce & Industry on the Japanese and
    United States market
    - Creation of collateral communication material (English & French) for
    the professional press –hotels and companies;
    - Positioning, development and media contacts of a new restaurant in Paris.
    Sumai’s Cafe

    2000/2003 Director of Marketing andCommunication “Escape in France”
    - Incentive organization for International Companies
    - Creation of special packages for the launching of incentive products
    - Responsible for the International press and media for International Companies and Tourist & Conference Centre Paris

    1999/2000 Consultant in Marketing Strateting for “ G’Com”, Paris
    - Training in quality services in the Luxury industry and High performance companies : Cartier International
    - Creation of the manual and training in Corporate Identity and Grooming.
    Grosverner house Hotel in London, Hotel Sofitel in Paris
    - Set up and implementation of an Central Hotel and Service reservation companies in Paris. Concorde I.S and Kings Woods specialized on the UAE market.
    - Creation of outsourcing concept for the housekeeping department in Luxury Hotels and Palaces. Four Season hotel-, Trémoillehotel and France hotel in Paris.

    1996/1999 Managing Director, for” Chadwick International “ UK
    London, Paris, South Africa.
    - Responsible for the development and implementation of the hotel operating mode to manage the first Virtual Offices for Accenture in Paris and Nederland
    - Creation of the manual of the hotel operating mode concept and his implementation for Booz Allen in London and Paris, Coopers in London, Dow Chemical 7 offices in Europe and 5 offices in USA.
    - Net West bank in Johannesburg, 1000m2.
    - In Lebanon, Beirut presentation of a businessplan project of 6000m2 to built a Luxury apartment hotel combined with a luxurious class virtual office joint to a existing Luxury hotel. Hotel Vendome.
  • Consultante - Consultante

    1999 - maintenant Diplômée en affaires, marketing et gestion, occupe dès 1983 Directeur Commercial et Relations Publiques pour les Hôtels Hilton en France.Par la suite intègre le Groupe ITT International Luxury Collection (Starwood)comme Directeur de Marketing International ou elle cumule une expérience au niveau mondial dans l'hôtellerie de luxe, ainsi que dans le domaine des voyages d'affaires allant de l'individuel au congrès. Elle poursuit son expérience comme Directeur de l'Hôtel Prince de Galles à Paris. Elle rejoint le Groupe Accenture en qualité de Directeur pour la création et la mise en place de la gestion des premier bureaux virtuels(bureau partagés)
    Passionnée par son métier et soucieuse d'apporter toujours la perfection et le détail dans l'industrie de haut de gamme et devant la nécessisté de fédérer ce marché elle décide de devenir Consultante avec comme spécificité, le développement de cette clientèles dans différentes industries en Europe et aux Etats Unis. En plus de l'avantage de parler plusieurs langues, elle gère un réseau Internationale important de connaissances dans ce marché du luxe.

    Business, management and marketing graduate, Jacqueline has gained extensive experience as International Marketing Manager in the Luxury hotel industry Hilton International, ITT Luxury Worldwide and Manager of the Prince de Galles Hotel in Paris.
    As well as in the creation an implementation of the operating mode for the first virtual offices for Accenture.
    Furthermore, Jacqueline speaks several languages and manages a
    large network of important acquaintance in the International luxury industry


Pas de formation renseignée


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