


En résumé

Mes compétences :


  • Teradyne Headquarters - Boston, USA - Factory Applications Engineer

    2007 - maintenant Responsible for all Application activities involved in new DC Instrumentation development: technical exchanges with customers, requirements definition, validation plan definition/execution, marketing value proposition definition/validation (Throughput, Cost Of Test, Time To Market analysis), marketing material, documentation, training.
    Cross-functional work with Marketing, Design, DV teams.
    Design and implementation of Graphical User Interfaces for DC instruments in VB.NET.
    Support to field application engineers in the Power Management market segment.
    Support to customers through the Incident Management process.
    Development of technical solutions available to the field organization and customers through the knowledge web portal.
  • Teradyne Field Office - Grenoble, France - Field Applications Engineer

    2000 - 2007 Study, design, implementation and debug of test programs and hardware interfaces for testing devices on Teradyne Automatic Test Equipments (Catalyst, Flex and UltraFlex)
    Specialized in Multisite testing techniques.
    Test of highly integrated devices used in mobile phones for major companies:
    Power managements with trimmed LDOs (consumption, Line and Load regulation, trimming…), Digital Interfaces (scan, timing delay tests…), Audio Codecs stereo (absolute amplitude, gain, filters, signal to noise tests…), Base Band RF Converters (absolute amplitude, filters, signal to noise, phase mismatch tests…), ADCs and DACs (inl and dnl tests…), Flash memory (data retention tests…).
    Programs written in C language for Catalyst platform and VBA language for Flex&UltraFlex platforms.
    Class teaching to train customers on Teradyne test equipments.
    Teradyne instruments characterization and validation



Annuaire des membres :