
Jean-Baptiste LEGOUY


En résumé

Toujours attiré par de nouveaux challenges, je suis dorénavant Credit Manager Europe de deux Business Units dans le groupe Solvay après avoir été en mission intégration Solvay/Rhodia pendant 1 an. Cette dernière m'a apportée des qualités et compétences indispensables telles que; la gestion de projets, la polyvalence, le respect des délais, la création de nouveaux reporting et KPI ... Ces expériences s'appuient sur 2 ans en tant qu'analyste crédit chez Rhodia qui m'ont permis de maîtriser l'opérationnel du métier (déblocage des commandes, analyse financière, amélioration du DSO et des past due en partenariat avec les BU), avec, toujours un maître mot : Apprendre encore et toujours!

Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet
Risk management
Analyse financière
Analyse crédit


  • Solvay - Credit Manager

    Paris 2014 - maintenant - Analyse credit risk on my portfolio: define strategy (rating & credit line) and manage warranties
    - perform CM operations during on the day-to-day: blocked orders, demands from stakeholders
    - manage relations with GBU and others parties, accounting, AR.
    - Issue reports on CM KPI and launch actions accordingly
    - Organize Credit committees with GBU to decide on main risks and credit lines
    - Periodically monitor collection flows and support collection team on main stakes
    - Organize meeting with sales team to insist on best practices (country risk, payment terms..) and make them sensitive on working cap matter and impact on cash
  • Solvay - Corporate Credit Analyst

    Paris 2012 - 2013 Active participant in the Solvay-Rhodia merger concerning the Credit Management process:
    - Leader on the definition of new Reporting and KPI (design of reports, relation with IT, creation of different reports type, collection of KPI from other dpt...)
    - Co-leader on the definition of the new Country Risk policy (payment terms and method recommendations, design of the format, rules, sources, scoring)
    - Participant on the definition of the new Collection strategy (participant in the process design, definition of the payment index, interfacing with credit management needs...)
    - Active participant on the master data checking (customer main information) between Solvay IS and Rhodia IS
    - Active participant on the User Acceptance Test to validate the desing of new processes (scoring, credit settings, credit control, country risk)
    - Coaching of the credit analyst on the new system and processes

    Drawing up of the WW monthly report on CM KPI:
    - Management of the back office operator in Lisbon
    - Check of data consistency (Turnover, A/R, Overdue, DSO)
    - Get comments on main overdue
    - Analyse of Top 20 exposure/overdue of the Group
    - Reporting of main bad debt and doubtful
    - Sending to Group CFO, VP and Financial controllers of the Business Units
  • RHODIA/SOLVAY - Credit Analyst

    2010 - 2012 Credit management on two Business Units:
    - Financial analysis of my portfolio: scoring of the financial risk, credit strategy definition in accordance with matrix delegation (within the CM and the GBU)
    - Credit risk securing: collection of bank guarantee & mother company guarantee, use of L/C and SBLC and secured payment method
    - Orders blocked management: significant decrease of my portfolio blocked orders for non-relevant reasons
    - Support to the cash collection team on end month and end quarter: link between cash collectors and Business Units to improve overdue performance
    - Operational excellence projects participant: how to decrease blocked orders, creation of blocked orders reporting for Europe zone, definition of a new WW country risk process and scoring
    - Doubtful management: accounting and relation with external providers)
  • Mérial - Assistant Contrôleur de gestion

    Lyon 2010 - 2010
  • CHAVIGNY SAS - Assistant directeur commercial

    2006 - 2006


  • Berlin Schoon Of Economics (FHW Berlin) (Berlin)

    Berlin 2008 - 2009
  • Napier University

    Edinburgh 2007 - 2007
  • ESDES. Ecole De Management ESDES (Lyon)

    Lyon 2005 - 2009 MASTER

    Finance de marché, Finance d'entreprise, Comptabilité, Mathématiques financières, Risk Management, Fiscalité, Droit des Sociétés, Droit des Affaires
    Membre des associations étudiantes Junior Entreprise et Bureau des Etudiants
  • Lycée Sainte Marie De Blois

    Blois 2004 - 2005 Bac


Annuaire des membres :