
Jean-Christophe DOUSSAL

En résumé

Mes compétences :
Catia v5
Méthode des éléments finis
Ingénierie d'assemblage
Electronique de puissance
Conception robuste
Conception mécanique


  • INNOSEA - Offshore Structural Engineer

    2015 - maintenant INNOSEA SAS is a professional services firm dedicated to provide technical support during the engineering phases of marine renewable energy technologies. As a scientific independent actor, the company delivers innovative solutions for the engineering of offshore technologies and systems for its clients and designers.

    INNOSEA is a spin-off company from the Ecole Centrale de Nantes and has a strong partnership with two research departments, LHEEA and GeM.
    Wave, tidal and offshore wind energy are the fields of focus of INNOSEA. Our team is composed of highly qualified marine and offshore engineers who conduct studies and expertise in connection with the construction of marine renewable energy technologies’ components. The scope of services includes conceptual, Front End Engineering Design and detailed design of floating, moored and fixed renewable energy offshore structures. The team performs advanced hydrodynamic analysis through modelling and load calculations. INNOSEA provides global hydro-structure studies according to offshore and marine standards (DNV GL, IEC, BV, etc.) including aero-hydro-elastic analysis and geotechnical interfacing.
  • INNOSEA - Stagiaire

    2015 - 2015 Stage de fin d'étude de 6 mois :"Développement de solutions innovantes pour le raccordement de fermes Energies Marines Renouvelables (projet collaboratif IBOCS) - Conception mécanique / CAO / Etudes structurelles"
  • QUENEA Energies Renouvelables - Stagiaire dans le Bureau de Gestion de Projets photovoltaiques

    2013 - 2013



Annuaire des membres :