X-pm Transition Partners
- Business directeur
2018 - maintenant
X-PM is a front-ranking player in transition management services, providing large, mid-size and investment companies with management support to meet the following challenges:
> Manager vacancies:
On-the-spot recruitment of CEO, HR Manager, CFO, CIO, Purchasing/Supply Chain Manager, Project Manager etc.
> Transformation projects:
- Performance improvement, turnarounds
- Divestments, integrating acquisitions
- International development.
> Crises:
- Regaining control during an operational, human or financial crisis
- Replacing an executive at short notice
X-PM fulfils these missions by drawing on:
> An international pool of several hundred highly-qualified senior executives, managers and project managers
> Sector, position and mission-based skills centres, to ensure the right person is assigned to the job and to capitalise on experience
> A project management method designed to galvanise teams and deliver rapid, lasting results
> A permanent, multidisciplinary team with expert knowledge of the client’s country and business lines.
- Co-Founder
2018 - maintenant
FR = CorpoRank réalise une évaluation impartiale de votre entreprise par vos employés, fournisseurs et clients professionels. Pourquoi est-ce que la gestion des ressources humaines seule n'est pas nécessairement la solution? Pourquoi est-ce que plus de 55% des CEOs ne connaissent toujours pas leur entreprise? Pourquoi est-ce que 65% des employés ne se sentent pas écoutés?
EN = CorpoRank does companies social assessment from employees and third party.
We provide reports pointing out strenght and weakness of companies, to allow them to become better and avoid strategic mistakes
- East China sales executive
2017 - maintenant
BRIDOR de France is committed to pleasure, health and good bakery practice.
True to its convictions and values, BRIDOR seeks the best quality and authentic bakery and pastry practices to satisfy its customers:
• Careful selection of noble raw materials.
• Flour from local milling companies.
• House chef yeast.
• Pure-butter viennoiseries.
• BRIDOR recipes from our Master Bakers.
• Macarons exclusively made with French-style meringue.
• Made according to French bakers’ methods: the dough is kneaded slowly, rolled out gently and gradually, and left to stand to develop
intense flavours.
• Simple to use, making life easier for our customers.
• All of our products are made in France.
Our positioning as «Craftsman when it comes to products, industrial when it comes to management» has ensured our success for more than 25 years. On top of that, our French Touch plus innovation.
Inventing bakery and pastry-making for the future to help our customers grow - that is our ambition!
Pain, Viennoiserie, and Pâtisserie
System in Motion
- Great China Sales/Marketing Director
2016 - 2017
IT Solutions for Growing Businesses
Once customers and System in Motion see together clearly the technical roadmap which will support their business strategy, we draw together a phased project. This reveals quick wins, obviously reduces risk, and make it possible to correct course after each phase.
These are the main reasons that our customers recognize as the key success factors of their projects with us. And this is why so many of them are still working with us after many years of service.
IT solution integration, CRM, ERP, e-commerce, CMS, B.I.
Information Technology and Services
- Sales BD Manager
2014 - 2015
en charge de la refonte du business en Chine et de la distribution commerciale. relance du marche = *2 la 1ere annee (1million d'euro a 2 million d'euro) puis 50% pour l'annee 2015
- Business Development Manager
2013 - 2014
Mon role est de developer le business et d'accompagner le client dans son developpement en proposant des solutions d'optimisation.
- enregistrement ou renouvellement de licences
- comptabilite et taxes optimization
- visa
AST Consulting
- Business Development Manager
2010 - 2012
La mission d'AST Consulting :
guider dans tous les domaines concernant l´entreprise depuis sa création jusqu’à sa gestion en passant par son développement.
Ma mission est de rencontrer et satisfaire une demande de services et/ou de renseignements une implantation optimale en Chine. J'ai realise mon CA lors de la 1ere annee de mon integration malgre une nouveaute totale dans le secteur.
Nous proposons les services suivants:
Implantation Chine & HK
Gestion d´entreprises
Optimisation fiscale
Externalisation comptable
Levée de fonds
La fiducie
Visa Chine
- Business Developpeur
2009 - 2010
Mon but etait de developer le chiffre d'affaires :
- dans la zone franche
- aupres des entreprises de Shanghai
- communaute francaise
- CHR de Shanghai
- lors de salon en Chine aupres des distributeurs
- Developpeur
2007 - 2007
DTASIA etait un societe import / export de vins francais sur le sol chinois.
Ma mission etait de pousser les ventes dans un des plus important points de vente de Shanghai = Carrefour Gubei.
Pousser les ventes en Magasins. Proposition de ventes directes aux entreprises. Projet refusé par mon patron + absence de réactions et motivation de mon nouveau patron = démission
- Tech Informatique, Receptionniste
2004 - 2006
Service Apres- Vente de la FNAC MArseille - centre bourse
Repondre au mieux aux differentes demandes et questions des clients de la FNAC.