
Jean-Christophe SOUBEYRAND


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Forte orientation résultats mesure et analyse
Engagement, sens de l'effort
Développement commercial
Esprit entrepreneurial


  • Sensient Natural Ingredients Europe - Business Development Manager

    2009 - maintenant Sensient is a leading global manufacturer and marketer of colors flavors and fragrances to develop speciality food and beverage systems, cosmetic and pharmaceutical systems...
    I am in charge of Business Development for natural dehydrated flavors + in charge of a major international account
  • La Martiniquaise - SSF - National Sales Manager

    2008 - 2009 La Matiniquaise is the second-ranking brand in Spirit products on the French Market.
    I was in charge of negociation with national wholesalers, distributors, catering companies, catering chains and cash and carry based in France to sell new trends beverage : MySmoothies, Fiji Water and Feel Good Drinks
  • Yoplait - Key Account Manager

    Boulogne-Billancourt 2002 - 2007 Yoplait is the world's second-ranking brand in ultra-fresh products.
    I was in charge of negociation with wholesalers, distributors, catering companies, catering chains and cash and carry based in Northern part of France
  • Kraft Foods - Sales Area Manager

    1999 - 2002 Kraft Food is the second largest food industry in the world


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :