
Jean-Francois HOCQUETTE


En résumé

Since 1991, Dr JF Hocquette has been a research scientist at INRA (the French National Institute of Agricultural Research). His research interest mainly concerns muscle biology as relevant to muscle growth and beef eating quality. In 2014, Dr Hocquette organized the French Meat R&D congress (240 people). Dr Hocquette is strongly involved in the activities of the EAAP (European Association for Animal Production) and is also an active member of the French-Chinese Center on beef production.


  • Haut Conseil d'Evaluation de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement Supérieur - Délégué Scientifique

    2012 - maintenant
  • INRA - Directeur de recherche

    Paris 1985 - maintenant



Annuaire des membres :