Jean-François Hocquette was born in Chamalières, France, in 1962. He graduated as an Engineer in Agronomy from the National Institute of Agronomy, Paris-Grignon in 1985 and received a PhD from the University of Paris XI in 1990 (specialty: endocrinology). Since 1991, JF Hocquette has been a research scientist at the National Institute of Agricultural Research (INRA), Animal Husbandry and Nutrition Department, Growth and Metabolism Unit. In 1999, he was appointed head of the "Muscle Growth and Metabolism" Group (5 scientists) of the Herbivore Research Unit in the same Institute. He was the Director of the Herbivore Research Unit (172 staff, ) from 2006 to 2010 and teaches in various French universities. JF Hocquette’s research interest mainly concerns muscle biology as relevant to beef quality. He has developed research in biochemistry (metabolic activity of muscle cells) and functional genomics (mainly transcriptomics) to seek muscle biomarkers related to beef quality (mainly tenderness, flavor and marbling). He has co-authored a patent for a genomic marker for meat tenderness and has been invited as the main speaker to more than fifteen conferences in international meetings. JF Hocquette is strongly involved in the activity of the Cattle Commission of the European Association for Animal Production. In 2005 he edited a book entitled “Indicators of milk and beef quality” (460 pages, 20 review papers), EAAP Publication No. 112. He is a member of the French Meat Academy. JF Hocquette is currently in charge of a high-throughput phenotyping project for farm animals. He is also coordinating research on meat in France.
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