CEO since 2016
Expert-Consultant in Leadership & Management and Consulting Strategy
Author (books and articles in Health strategy and innovation in management)
Speaker in health management at seminars, conferences and congresses (St Brieux, Paris, Strasbourg, Lyon, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Perpignan, Nice, Guadeloupe
Occasional facilitator FAE Heads of establishment: "Leadership posture of the manager" at RENNES, EHESP for the training of adaptation to the employment of heads of establishment
Occasional speaker for interventions with student directors and directors of the hospital public service sectors of EHESP on "Management", at RENNES, EHESP (EDH sector).
Co-animator webinars in ESCP Business School Healthcare Group with Nada NADIF :
Graduate from Paris Dauphine University, in 2006 in economics, management and management of health institutions.
Member of the Working Group at HAS (Haute Autorité en Santé)
Author :
"Innovations & management of health structures in France: supporting the transformation of the healthcare offer in the region" (Director) published on (October 04, 2021)
"Quality and safety in healthcare establishments: panorama of risk management in France - 2019-2020" (co-author) (2020)
"Strategic management of changing hospital executives" (2018) (author)
"Managing the overall performance of GHTs" (preface) (2019),
Member of the National Council of E-Health, a scientific and technological body for health information and communication technologies
Co-host of health webinars at ESCP Business School Alumni Healthcare Group
Higher level of the Hospital Clinical Services Cluster for 18 years (until 2018)
Determined to promote the culture of sharing on managerial innovation, I founded in 2016 and manages, the Influence Digital Media Site MANAGERSANTE.COM®, a platform designed Managers, Doctors, Hospital Managers and Managers of Health, which brings together more than 20,000 subscribers.
This Site was born in a context where our health system has to face new challenges of technological and medico-economic transformations, thus modifying the management models better adapted to the teams of our ecosystem of tomorrow.
Consultant en LEADERSHIP et en Management de la santé, j'anime des formations et j'interviens lors des séminaires, conférences, colloques et congrès
Membre du Conseil National de la E-Santé , une instance scientifique et technologique qui a pour objet de faire avancer le développement de la santé et des technologies de linformation et de la communication
Participation sur des projets avec l'ARS Ile de France sur le développement des compétences autour du leadership clinique.
Membre du Groupe de Travail à la HAS (Haute Autorité en Santé) sur le développement d'un programme d'accompagnement des managers de la santé autour du LEADERSHIP dans le cadre du programme PACTE (Programme d'Amélioration Continue du Travail en Equipe) .
Expert-Consultant en Leadership & Management pour l'ENTREPRISE MEDICALE :Array à Paris, je suis responsable de la rédaction de programmes de formation innovants sur le Management.
Auteur d'un OUVRAGE publié sur "Le Management stratégique des cadres hospitaliers en mutation", aux Editions Universitaires Européennes
Cadre Paramédical de Pôle au sein d'un Pôle de psychiatrie générale depuis 2000
Mes compétences :
Management d'équipes
Risques psychosociaux
Santé Mentale