
Jean Marcel ATEBA MBA


En résumé

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  • Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) - Research Schientist

    2013 - 2015 Silicon is one of the promising anode materials for the next generation of Li-ion batteries. However large volume change during lithiation of Silicon leads to strong mechanical strains within the Silicon particles follow by loss of electrical contacts between the active materials, the conductive matrix and the current collector resulting in poor cyclability for Si based electrodes. One way to overcome this issue is the used of nano-size particles of Silicon which can easily accommodate the large volume change. We have developed an alternative method for the electrochemical cycling of nano-particle of silicon which when it is cycled versus Li avoid the appearance of some Si-Li alloy present in the phase diagram. The electrochemical cycling of that Silicon anode has led to a less capacity fading after very high cycle numbers.
  • CNRS - Doctorant

    Paris 2010 - 2013 This work focused on TAVORITE-based fluorophosphates LiMPO4F (M = V, Fe, Ti) and LiVPO4O. We were the firsts who presented reproducible synthesis procedures through “classical” ceramic routes in sealed containers and/or low temperature ionothermal reaction. The obtained materials were characterized by magnetometry, solid state NMR and heavily by X-Ray (synchrotron) and Neutron diffraction. The crystal structures of all the materials were determined, as well as the mechanisms of Li+ insertion/extraction through in-situ X-Ray diffraction during electrochemical charge/discharge of the batteries. We were particularly interested in the relation between the electrochemical properties of those Tavorite-type materials and their crystal structure features.


  • University Of Bordeaux

    Bordeaux 2010 - 2013 PhD
  • University Of Picardie Jules Verne

    City Of Amiens 2007 - 2009 Master I and II

    2 years Master Erasmus program MESC (Material for Energy Storage and
    Conversion), which ends up with 6 months of master thesis in NIC (National Institute of Chemistry in Ljubljana – Slovenia).


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