
Jean-Michel PRINS


En résumé

Investments & Private placements (PPP) Consultant.
Management Consulting, Business plan & Project Financing,

Auditing, Strategic & Business Planning, Training & Coaching.
High level advisory service for development

Project management of various projects
Real Estate development & Expertise,
and international trading

Former developer & General Manager of Design offices & Builders.

An experiment large and diversified in various domains,
mainly real estate and industrialists,
Education: Civil Engineer, mechanical Technician
Law degree, Business Management,
international Trading and Finance.

Mes compétences :


  • PRINS Consultant - Consultant

    1993 - maintenant SENIOR CONSULTANT
    Director in various companies
    (and commissioned as acting manager)
    Investments & placements
    Projects financing, Auditing & Consulting
    High level advisory service Strategic& development.
    Project management & international trading
    Real Estate development & Expertise
  • St James - Development Manager

    1988 - 1993 Executive Manager
    Real Estate Developer
    from Feasibility studies, Design, bids and works to the delivery
    land and buildings purchases.
    Consulting and Expertise for institutional investors
    and Trainer (professor) for the management of the real estate projects and in property developer's job
  • Banques CdN - Chef de Projet attaché à la DG

    1987 - 1989 Project Manager in Top Bank
    - Restructuring and reconditioning Paris Head quarter’s Buildings, manager
    + Security officer;
    - Owners consultant, Designs & works manager, to keep all departments running during works,
    And Check (control-audit) of projects for financial institutions
    and Trainer (professor) for the management of the real estate projects and in property developer's job
  • AS Group - Directeur et Gérant

    1984 - 1987 Subsidiary firms and design office Manager
    Engineering, Export
    “turn-keys” projects, industrial & Ago-Business
    - Plant & Tools production setting up,
    Desalinization &, irrigation process, Civil works and
    Heavy handling equipment mines and ports
    - Housing Process, Pre-casting and Pre-stressed
    Sale and settling equipment, technological transfer
    And CEO of specialized design office quantity surveyor, cost analysis, acting for major contractor companies.
  • Groupe CMS-BFM - Directeur

    1972 - 1983 Chief engineer, division Manager up to CEO
    Engineering, Data processing and Real Estate,
    - Founding of Real Estate company
    - Building design office and Consulting Department development up to 400 p.
    - Project Manager, Piloting, site works Manager, Quantity surveyor and contractors’ JVA,
    - Public utilities and private Projects, planner and project management
    - Specialised software applying, training of clients, scheduling & management
    Trainer (professor) in techniques of planning and management of the projects.


  • IGM

    Paris 1983 - 1984 Commerce et Finance international
  • IGS

    Paris 1980 - 1981 Managment d'entreprise
  • Université De Paris II (Paris)

    Paris 1969 - 1972 + Cours d'anglais + ESE UK
  • ESBTP (Paris)

    Paris 1969 - 1972 ingénieur

    Travaux Public et Bâtiment - Additional training to the new techniques of planning
    Stages en Entreprises depuis 1964, Training periods since 1964
    in “majors” civil works contractors Razel, Spie, Citra, Campenon Bernard,
    Channels, Hydro-power Falls, Works of art, sewerage, Bridges, Roads and highways.
    + Prefabricated and usual buildings..
  • Lycée Technique D'Enghien (Enghien Les Bains)

    Enghien Les Bains 1965 - 1969 Bacs + BT Mécanique

    Tech-Math + Mécanique - + Pilote qualif Voltige et Montagne


Annuaire des membres :