
Jean-Philippe SAUVAGER


En résumé

Mes compétences :


  • Total EP Russie - Site manager delegate

    2012 - maintenant I am currently working on Khariaga oil field as site manager delegate on remote well pads. Khariaga site is located 100 km North of Arctic Polar Circle in Western Siberia. This site has one central processing facility (CPF) and two producing remote well pads. I represent the site manager on these two pads and his responsibilities are delegated to me on these well pads.

    My tasks are essentially:
    - Ensure that Total safety requirements are applied in Daily operations.
    - Manage the production team and ensure that daily production on remote well pads meet the target defined by CPF Production Superintendant.
    - Put in place an anomaly recording system.
    - Manage the emergency response team on remote pads in case of incident.
  • Total E&P Angola - Commissioning engineer

    COURBEVOIE 2010 - 2012 Working in Pazflor Project Group in the FPSO commissioning team in South Korea and then in Angola. I was responsible for supervising all the commissioning operations on all the process related subsystems (separation, gas dehydration, water treatment…).

    My tasks were essentially:
    • Help the contractor (DSME-Cegelec) to prepare the commissioning procedure
    • Help the contractor to set the proper priorities in the commissioning operations as required by the start-up team
    • Assist the contractor for the preparation and execution of leak test operations (Nitrogen-Helium).
  • Total SA - Process engineer

    COURBEVOIE 2008 - 2010 Working at Total headquarter in La Defense in the conceptual and process study division in the Angola, Congo and North Africa group. My main objectives in this position were:
    • Do conceptual studies in partnership with field architects
    • Participate to project audits (SPOT/PTR)
    • Develop subsea processing knowledge in process department
    • Assists projects and subsidiaries about process related problems

    The main studies in which I was involved are:
    • Conceptual study: Installation of multiphase pumps on Dalia field in Angola
    • Conceptual study: Commingle management of block 17 and block 32 gas in Angola
    • Assistance to Pazflor project concerning the design and qualification of subsea separator in IFP Solaize
  • Total E&P Angola - Field engineer

    COURBEVOIE 2006 - 2008 Offshore position on the Girassol FPSO, assisting the OIM and the production superintendent to optimise the operation of the plant and keep the production at 100% of the potential: 280 kbbl per day. The environment was particularly challenging because of the Rosa project. Indeed 400 construction people were working on the FPSO which was still producing at full rate.

    My main objectives were:
    • Assist the OIM and production superintendent to keep the plant production at 100% of potential
    • Optimise the environmental impact of the plant
    • Secure and optimise the non routine operations

    My tasks were mainly to:
    • Organise well test program on site in relation with the well performance team in Luanda
    • Optimise plant restarts after unplanned shutdowns
    • Optimise wells and process to keep the produced water reject under 30 ppm of oil in water content and the flare to the minimum.
    • Keep the operation planning up to date
    • Prepare planned plant shutdowns for Rosa construction activities
    • Assist Rosa project for commissioning activities and start-up
  • Total E&P Angola - Petroleum architect assistant

    COURBEVOIE 2004 - 2005 Position in the architecture and development division of the Block 17 asset, assisting the asset architect.
    My main objectives were:
    • Recover all the budget data from all the divisions of Block 17: reservoir, operation, project entities, in order to present a global asset budget to the Angolan concessionaire SONANGOL
    • Build an OPEX model for the operation division to estimate the future operational costs of the Block 17 asset with 3 or 4 FPSO.

    My actions were:
    • Build a new database tool for budget data recovery with the help of a computer engineering contractor and to put this new software in production to help the different division of bloc 17 to communicate and validate the budget
    • Build OPEX model software based on Microsoft Access.
  • SAIPEM SA - Rotating machine engineer

    Montigny-le-Bretonneux 2003 - 2004 Internship in the Equipment & Package section. My task was to do technical and economic analysis about a new high power subsea multiphase boosting system.

    My main actions were to do a conceptual study including:
    • Pre-dimensioning of the pump
    • Preparation of installation procedures
    • Cost study
    • Preliminary field architecture with multiphase pumps

    This was the final project for my studies at the School of Mines.
  • Schlumberger - Field engineer

    Paris 2003 - 2003 Internship in the artificial lift section and more particularly the REDA branch, responsible for electrical submersible pump installation and optimisation in Nefteyugansk, Western Siberia, Russia.

    My main tasks were to:
    • Calibrate pump test benches
    • Install a new training center at the logistic base
    • Install pumps in wells on the Yukos Priobskoe oilfield
    • Well performance optimisation



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